php Common hash Encryption Function

  • 2021-08-05 09:24:34
  • OfStack

In this paper, hash encryption functions commonly used in php are described by examples. Share it for your reference. The specific analysis is as follows:

$hash_list=hash_algos();  // Returns the registered hash Rule list 
print_r($hash_list); // Display results 

Create files to calculate hash values: file_put_contents ('example. txt', 'the ES14ES15ES16ES17ES18the ES20dog.');

Output hash value information:

echo hash_file('md5', 'example.txt'); 
$str="the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.";      // Definition string
echo hash('ripemd160',$str);           // Generate a hash
$ctx=hash_init('md5');          // Initialization 1 A hash Value
hash_update($ctx,'the quick brown fox');       // Pouring data into a hash
hash_update($ctx,'jumped over the lazy dog.');      // Pouring data into a hash
echo hash_final($ctx);          // Output the final result
$str="the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.";    // Definition string
$fp=tmpfile();            // Create 1 Temporary files
fwrite($fp,$str);            // Write a string to a temporary file
rewind($fp);            // Rewind the position of the file pointer
$ctx=hash_init('md5');          // Initialization 1 A hash Value
hash_update_stream($ctx,$fp);         // Pouring data into the data stream
echo hash_final($ctx);          // Output result
$str="the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.";    // Definition string
echo hash_hmac('ripemd160',$str,'secret');      // Object that contains the key hash Value
/* Create 1 Files and write strings to them */
$file="example.txt";          // Define file name
$str=" the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.";   // Definition string
file_put_contents($file,$str);        // Write a string to a file
echo hash_hmac_file('md5',$file,'secret');      // Generate 1 Object containing the key hash Value
$ctx=hash_init('sha1');          // Definition string
hash_update($ctx,'the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.');  // Pouring data into a hash
echo hash_final($ctx);  // Output result

I hope this article is helpful to everyone's PHP programming.

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