PHP Implementation of Simple Triangle Rectangular Perimeter Area Calculator Sharing

  • 2021-08-05 09:17:21
  • OfStack

Using PHP object-oriented knowledge to design a graphic calculator, but also using abstract knowledge, this calculator can calculate the perimeter and area of triangular and rectangular perimeter and area. This graphical calculator has 4 pages: 1. PHP graphical calculator home page index. php; 2. Abstract classes of shapes shape. class. php; 33 angular calculation class triangle. class. php;; 4. Rectangular calculation class rect. class. php.

PHP Graphic Calculator Code Click Download: php Graphic Calculator. zip

The codes are as follows:

PHP Graphic Calculator Home Page:

        <title> Simple graphic calculator </title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
            <h1> Simple graphic calculator </h1>
            <a href="index.php?action=rect"> Rectangle </a> ||
            <a href="index.php?action=triangle">3 Angle </a> 
            error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
            // Set the class files required to automatically load this program 
            function __autoload($classname){
                include strtolower($classname).".class.php";
            // Determine whether the user has selected to click 1 Shape links 
            if(!empty($_GET['action'])) {
                // No. 1 1 Step: Create an object for the shape 
                $classname = ucfirst($_GET['action']);
                $shape=new $classname($_POST);
                // No. 1 2 Step: Invoke the interface in the object of the shape view()
                $shape -> view();
                // No. 1 3 Step: Does the user submit the form corresponding to the graphical interface 
                if(isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) {
                    // No. 1 4 Step: Check whether the data output by the user is correct ,  Prompt for failure 
                    if($shape->yan($_POST)) {
                        // Calculate the perimeter and area of a figure 
                        echo $shape->name." The perimeter of is: ".$shape->zhou()."<br>";
                        echo $shape->name." The area of is: ".$shape->area()."<br>";
            // If the user does not click the link,   The main program is accessed by default 
            }else {
                echo " Please select 1 Graphics to be calculated !<br>";

Abstract classes for shapes:

abstract class  Shape{
    // Name of the shape 
    public $name;
    // Method for calculating area of shape 
    abstract function area();
    // Method for calculating perimeter of shape 
    abstract function zhou();
    // Graphical form interface of shape 
    abstract function view();
    // Verification method of shape 
    abstract function yan($arr);

3 angular calculation class file:

class Triangle extends Shape {
    private $bian1;
    private $bian2;
    private $bian3;
    function __construct($arr = array()) {
        if(!empty($arr)) {
            $this->bian1 = $arr['bian1'];
            $this->bian2 = $arr['bian2'];
            $this->bian3 = $arr['bian3'];
        $this->name = "3 Angle ";
    function area() {
        $p =    ($this->bian1 + $this->bian2 + $this->bian3)/2;
        return sqrt($p*($p-$this->bian1)*($p-$this->bian2)*($p-$this->bian3));
    function zhou() {
        return $this->bian1 + $this->bian2 + $this->bian3;
    function view() {
        $form = '<form action="index.php?action=triangle" method="post">';
        $form .= $this->name.' No. 1 1 A side :<input type="text" name="bian1" value="'.$_POST['bian1'].'" /><br>';
        $form .= $this->name.' No. 1 2 A side :<input type="text" name="bian2" value="'.$_POST['bian2'].'" /><br>';
        $form .= $this->name.' No. 1 3 A side :<input type="text" name="bian3" value="'.$_POST['bian3'].'" /><br>';
        $form .= '<input type="submit" name="dosubmit" value=" Calculation "><br>';
        $form .='<form>';
        echo $form;
    function yan($arr) {
        $bj = true;
        if($arr['bian1'] < 0) {
            echo " No. 1 1 Edge cannot be less than 0!<br>";
            $bj = false;
        if($arr['bian2'] < 0) {
            echo " No. 1 2 Edge cannot be less than 0!<br>";
            $bj = false;
        if($arr['bian3'] < 0) {
            echo " No. 1 3 Edge cannot be less than 0!<br>";
            $bj = false;
        if(($arr['bian1']+$arr['bian2'] < $arr['bian3']) || ($arr['bian1'] + $arr['bian3'] < $arr['bian2']) || ($arr['bian2']+$arr['bian3'] < $arr['bian1'])) {
            echo " The sum of both sides must be greater than the first 3 A side ";
            $bj = false;
        return $bj; 

Rectangular calculation class file:

class Rect extends Shape {
    private $width;
    private $height;
    function __construct($arr=array()) {
        if(!empty($arr)) {
            $this->width = $arr['width'];
            $this->height = $arr['height'];
        $this->name = " Rectangle ";
    function area() {
        return $this->width * $this->height;
    function zhou() {
        return 2*($this->width + $this->height);
    function view() {
        $form = '<form action="index.php?action=rect" method="post">';
        $form .= $this->name.' Width of :<input type="text" name="width" value="'.$_POST['width'].'" /><br>';
        $form .= $this->name.' The height of :<input type="text" name="height" value="'.$_POST['height'].'" /><br>';
        $form .= '<input type="submit" name="dosubmit" value=" Calculation "><br>';
        $form .='<form>';
        echo $form;
    function yan($arr) {
        $bg = true;
        if($arr['width'] < 0) {
            echo $this->name." The width of cannot be less than 0!<br>";
            $bg = false;    
        if($arr['height'] < 0) {
            echo $this->name." The height of cannot be less than 0!<br>";
            $bg = false;
        return $bg;

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