Differences between PHP PDOStatement objects bindpram of bindvalue of and bindcolumn

  • 2021-08-03 09:50:02
  • OfStack

PDOStatement:: bindParam--Bind a parameter to the specified variable name.

Bind 1 PHP variable to the corresponding named placeholder or question mark placeholder in the SQL statement used as preprocessing. Unlike PDOStatement:: bindValue (), this variable is bound as a reference and takes its value only when PDOStatement:: execute () is called.

PDOStatement:: bindValue--Bind a value to a parameter.

Bind 1 value to the corresponding named placeholder or question mark placeholder in the SQL statement used as preprocessing.

$stm = $pdo->prepare("select * from users where user = :user");
$user = "jack";
// Correct
// Errors
// Correct
// Correct
// So use bindParam Is the first 2 Parameters can only use variable names, not variable values, and bindValue To you can use specific values.

PDOStatement:: bindColumn--Bind a column to an PHP variable.

Arranges a specific variable to bind to a given column in a query result set. Each call to PDOStatement:: fetch () or PDOStatement:: fetchAll () updates all variables bound to the column.

function  readData ( $dbh ) {
    $sql  =  'SELECT name, colour, calories FROM fruit' ;
    try {
        $stmt  =  $dbh -> prepare ( $sql );
        $stmt -> execute ();
        /*  Bind by column number   */
        $stmt -> bindColumn ( 1 ,  $name );
        $stmt -> bindColumn ( 2 ,  $colour );
        /*  Bind by column name   */
        $stmt -> bindColumn ( 'calories' ,  $cals );
        while ( $row  =  $stmt -> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_BOUND )) {
            $data  =  $name  .  "\t"  .  $colour  .  "\t"  .  $cals  .  "\n" ;
            print  $data ;
    catch ( PDOException $e ) {
        print  $e -> getMessage ();
readData ( $dbh );

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