PHP Dependent Inverted of Dependency Injection Code Example
- 2021-07-21 07:59:49
- OfStack
Implementation class:
class Container
protected $setings = array();
public function set($abstract, $concrete = null)
if ($concrete === null) {
$concrete = $abstract;
$this->setings[$abstract] = $concrete;
public function get($abstract, $parameters = array())
if (!isset($this->setings[$abstract])) {
return null;
return $this->build($this->setings[$abstract], $parameters);
public function build($concrete, $parameters)
if ($concrete instanceof Closure) {
return $concrete($this, $parameters);
$reflector = new ReflectionClass($concrete);
if (!$reflector->isInstantiable()) {
throw new Exception("Class {$concrete} is not instantiable");
$constructor = $reflector->getConstructor();
if (is_null($constructor)) {
return $reflector->newInstance();
$parameters = $constructor->getParameters();
$dependencies = $this->getDependencies($parameters);
return $reflector->newInstanceArgs($dependencies);
public function getDependencies($parameters)
$dependencies = array();
foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
$dependency = $parameter->getClass();
if ($dependency === null) {
if ($parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
$dependencies[] = $parameter->getDefaultValue();
} else {
throw new Exception("Can not be resolve class dependency {$parameter->name}");
} else {
$dependencies[] = $this->get($dependency->name);
return $dependencies;
Implementation example:
require 'container.php';
interface MyInterface{}
class Foo implements MyInterface{}
class Bar implements MyInterface{}
class Baz
public function __construct(MyInterface $foo)
$this->foo = $foo;
$container = new Container();
$container->set('Baz', 'Baz');
$container->set('MyInterface', 'Foo');
$baz = $container->get('Baz');
$container->set('MyInterface', 'Bar');
$baz = $container->get('Baz');