Two way Queue Class Instance Implemented by php

  • 2021-07-21 07:46:31
  • OfStack

This article describes the example of php implementation of the two-way queue class and its usage, for PHP data structure and algorithm learning has a good reference value. Share it for your reference. The specific analysis is as follows:

(deque, full name double-ended queue) is a data structure with the properties of queue and stack. Elements in a bi-directional queue can be ejected from both ends, limiting insert and delete operations to both ends of the table.

In practical use, there can also be two-way queues with limited output (that is, one endpoint allows insertion and deletion, and the other endpoint only allows insertion) and two-way queues with limited input (that is, one endpoint allows insertion and deletion, and the other endpoint only allows deletion). However, if the elements inserted from a certain endpoint can only be deleted from that endpoint, the bidirectional queue will degenerate into two adjacent stacks at the bottom of the stack.

The DEQue. class. php class files are as follows:

/** php  Two-way queue. Support limited queue length, limited input, limited output, and output must be the same as input  
*  Date:  2014-04-30 
*  Author: fdipzone 
*  Ver:  1.0 
*  Func: 
*  public frontAdd    Front-end column entry  
*  public frontRemove  Front-end dequeue  
*  public rearAdd    Back-end column entry  
*  pulbic rearRemove   Back-end dequeue  
*  public clear     Empty alignment  
*  public isFull     Determine whether the alignment column is full  
*  private getLength   Gets alignment column length  
*  private setAddNum   Record into column , Called when the output depends on the input  
*  private setRemoveNum  Record out , Called when the output depends on the input  
*  private checkRemove  Check whether the output depends on the input  
class DEQue{ // class start 
  private $_queue = array(); //  Column alignment  
  private $_maxLength = 0;  //  Maximum column length, 0 Indicate unlimited  
  private $_type = 0;    //  Alignment column type  
  private $_frontNum = 0;  //  Number of front-end inserts  
  private $_rearNum = 0;   //  Number of back-end inserts  
  /**  Initialization  
  * @param $type     Alignment column type  
  *          1: Both ends can be input and output  
  *          2: The front end can only input, and the back end can input and output  
  *          3: The front end can only output, and the back end can input and output  
  *          4: Back-end can only input, front-end can input and output  
  *          5: The back end can only output, and the front end can input and output  
  *          6: Both ends can be input and output, and the input can only be output from which end  
  * @param $maxlength  Maximum length of alignment column  
  public function __construct($type=1, $maxlength=0){ 
    $this->_type = in_array($type, array(1,2,3,4,5,6))? $type : 1; 
    $this->_maxLength = intval($maxlength); 
  /**  Front-end column entry  
  * @param Mixed  $data  Data  
  * @return boolean 
  public function frontAdd($data=null){ 
    if($this->_type==3){ //  Front-end input limit  
      return false; 
    if(isset($data) && !$this->isFull()){ 
      array_unshift($this->_queue, $data); 
      return true; 
    return false; 
  /**  Front-end dequeue  
  * @return Array 
  public function frontRemove(){ 
    if($this->_type==2){ //  Front-end output limit  
      return null; 
    if(!$this->checkRemove(1)){ //  Check whether you depend on input  
      return null; 
    $data = null; 
      $data = array_shift($this->_queue); 
    return $data; 
  /**  Back-end column entry  
  * @param Mixed  $data  Data  
  * @return boolean 
  public function rearAdd($data=null){ 
    if($this->_type==5){ //  Backend input limit  
      return false; 
    if(isset($data) && !$this->isFull()){ 
      array_push($this->_queue, $data); 
      return true; 
    return false; 
  /**  Back-end dequeue  
  * @return Array 
  public function rearRemove(){ 
    if($this->_type==4){ //  Backend output limit  
      return null; 
    if(!$this->checkRemove(2)){ //  Check whether you depend on input  
      return null; 
    $data = null; 
      $data = array_pop($this->_queue); 
    return $data; 
  /**  Empty alignment  
  * @return boolean 
  public function clear(){ 
    $this->_queue = array(); 
    $this->_frontNum = 0; 
    $this->_rearNum = 0; 
    return true; 
  /**  Determine whether the alignment column is full  
  * @return boolean 
  public function isFull(){ 
    $bIsFull = false; 
    if($this->_maxLength!=0 && $this->_maxLength==$this->getLength()){ 
      $bIsFull = true; 
    return $bIsFull; 
  /**  Gets the current alignment length  
  * @return int 
  private function getLength(){ 
    return count($this->_queue); 
  /**  Record into column , Called when the output depends on the input  
  * @param int $endpoint  Endpoint  1:front 2:rear 
  private function setAddNum($endpoint){ 
        $this->_frontNum ++; 
        $this->_rearNum ++; 
  /**  Record out , Called when the output depends on the input  
  * @param int $endpoint  Endpoint  1:front 2:rear 
  private function setRemoveNum($endpoint){ 
        $this->_frontNum --; 
        $this->_rearNum --; 
  /**  Check whether the output depends on the input  
  * @param int $endpoint  Endpoint  1:front 2:rear 
  private function checkRemove($endpoint){ 
        return $this->_frontNum>0; 
        return $this->_rearNum>0; 
    return true; 
} // class end 

The sample code for demo. php is as follows:

require "DEQue.class.php"; 
//  Example 1 
$obj = new DEQue(); //  Both front and back ends can be entered, with unlimited length  
$obj->frontAdd('a'); //  Front-end column entry  
$obj->rearAdd('b'); //  Back-end column entry  
$obj->frontAdd('c'); //  Front-end column entry  
$obj->rearAdd('d'); //  Back-end column entry  
//  The array after entering the column should be  cabd 
$result = array(); 
$result[] = $obj->rearRemove(); //  Back-end dequeue  
$result[] = $obj->rearRemove(); //  Back-end dequeue  
$result[] = $obj->frontRemove(); //  Front-end dequeue  
$result[] = $obj->frontRemove(); //  Front-end dequeue  
print_r($result); //  Exit order should be  dbca 
//  Example 2 
$obj = new DEQue(3, 5); //  The front end can only output, and the back end can input and output, with the maximum length 5 
$insert = array(); 
$insert[] = $obj->rearAdd('a'); 
$insert[] = $obj->rearAdd('b'); 
$insert[] = $obj->frontAdd('c'); //  Because the front end can only output, it will return here false 
$insert[] = $obj->rearAdd('d'); 
$insert[] = $obj->rearAdd('e'); 
$insert[] = $obj->rearAdd('f'); 
$insert[] = $obj->rearAdd('g'); //  Exceeds length, returns false 
//  Example 3 
$obj = new DEQue(6); //  Output depends on input  
$result = array(); 
$result[] = $obj->rearRemove(); 
$result[] = $obj->rearRemove(); //  Because the output depends on the input, this returns NULL 
$result[] = $obj->frontRemove(); 
$result[] = $obj->frontRemove(); 
$result[] = $obj->frontRemove(); 

Click here to download the complete example code.

I hope this paper is helpful to the study of PHP program algorithm design.

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