php Implementation to Obtain and Set User Access Page Language Class

  • 2021-07-21 07:41:06
  • OfStack

This article describes the example of php to achieve access to and set the user access to the page language class, to share for your reference. The specific analysis is as follows:

The instance User Language Class gets/sets the page language accessed by the user, and reads Accept-Language if the user does not set the access language. Display the corresponding page according to the language selected by the user (English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese)

The UserLang. class. php class files are as follows:

/** User Language Class  Get / Set the page language accessed by the user, and if the user does not set the access language, read Accept-Language 
*  Date:  2014-05-26 
*  Author: fdipzone 
*  Ver:  1.0 
*  Func: 
*  public get         Get the user access language  
*  public set         Setting User Access Language  
*  private getAcceptLanguage  Get HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE 
class UserLang{ // class start 
  private $name = 'userlang'; // cookie name 
  private $expire = 2592000; // cookie expire 30 days 
  /**  Initialization  
  * @param String $name  cookie name 
  * @param int  $expire cookie expire 
  public function __construct($name='', $expire=null){ 
    //  Settings cookie name 
      $this->name = $name; 
    //  Settings cookie expire 
    if(is_numeric($expire) && $expire>0){ 
      $this->expire = intval($expire); 
  /**  Get the user access language  */ 
  public function get(){ 
    //  Determine whether the user has set the language  
      $lang = $_COOKIE[$this->name]; 
      $lang = $this->getAcceptLanguage(); 
    return $lang; 
  /**  Setting User Access Language  
  * @param String $lang  User access language  
  public function set($lang=''){ 
    $lang = strtolower($lang); 
    //  English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese only  
    if(in_array($lang, array('en','sc','tc'))){ 
      setcookie($this->name, $lang, time()+$this->expire); 
  private function getAcceptLanguage(){ 
    $lang = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); 
    if(in_array(substr($lang,0,5), array('zh-tw','zh_hk'))){ 
      $lang = 'tc'; 
    }elseif(in_array(substr($lang,0,5), array('zh-cn','zh-sg'))){ 
      $lang = 'sc'; 
      $lang = 'en'; 
    return $lang; 
} // class end 

The demo sample program is as follows:

require "UserLang.class.php"; 
$obj = new UserLang('sitelang', 3600); 
echo $obj->get().'<br>'; 

I hope this article is helpful to everyone's study of PHP programming.

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