Extension Function in Laravel Framework Extension Method of Custom Class

  • 2021-07-18 07:25:41
  • OfStack

1. Extend your classes

Create a directory under app/libraries\ class

Then myTest. php class name format hump myTest

class myTest
public  function test()
return '1asdasd111';

In app/start/global. php

app_path().'/libraries/class', // Increase this 1 Segment

Load with make

class HomeController extends BaseController {
    protected $layout = 'layouts.main';
public function index()
$a = App::make('mytest'); // Usage
echo $a->test();

2. Extend your functions

Create a directory under app/libraries\ function

Establish helper. php

Function format, as follows, use function_exists to prevent duplicate names with the system

if (! function_exists('test2'))
function test2()
echo 2222222222222222;

Method 1:

In app/filters. php

require app_path().'/libraries/function/helper.php'; // Load Custom function

Method 2:

In app/bootstrap/autolad. php

require __DIR__.'/../app/functions.php'; // Introducing custom function library

I feel that method 1 will be better.

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