destoon implements the method of calling current column classification sub classification and three level classification

  • 2021-07-16 01:57:36
  • OfStack

Calling current column classification and sub-classification and three-level classification is a common method in program design. This paper describes in detail the method of calling current column classification and sub-classification and three-level classification by destoon. The specific operation is as follows:

The following invocation statement is provided in destoon:

Class 1 classification name:


Class 2 Classification Name:


Class 3 classification name:


Specific invocation examples are as follows:

1. Call the category name and link directly:

{loop $maincat $i $m}<dl>
   {php $child = get_maincat($maincat, $CATEGORY, 1);}
   <dt><a href="{$MOD[linkurl]}{$m[linkurl]}" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" >{$m[catname]}</a></dt>
   {php $childs = get_maincat($m[catid], $CATEGORY, 1);}
   {loop $childs $i $c}<dd><a href="{$MOD[linkurl]}{$c[linkurl]}" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" >{$c[catname]}</a></dd>{/loop}

2. Call the category name and the latest article under it:

{loop $maincat $i $m}
{php $child = get_maincat($maincat, $CATEGORY, 1);}
 <div class="hq01">
  <div class="hq-tt">
{php $a = get_maincat($m[catid], $CATEGORY, 1);}
  {loop $a $g}
  {php $f = get_maincat($g[catid], $CATEGORY, 1);}
  {loop $f $i $b}
  <span><a href="{$MOD[linkurl]}{$c[linkurl]}" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" >{$b[catname]}</a></span>
  <span class="hqmore"><a href="{$MOD[linkurl]}{$m[linkurl]}" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" >[ More ]</a></span> </p>
  <div class="clear"></div>
  {php $childs = get_maincat($m[catid], $CATEGORY, 1);}
  {loop $childs $i $c}
  <div class="hq-cc">
  <!--{php $tags=tag("moduleid=$moduleid&condition=status=3&areaid=$cityid&length=40&catid=".$c[catid]."&order=".$MOD[order]."&pagesize=5&datetype=2&target=_blank&template=null")}-->
   <li class="li-t"><span><a href="{$MOD[linkurl]}{$c[linkurl]}" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" >--- More </a></span>{$c[catname]}</li>
   {loop $tags $t}
      <li><!-- <span class="f_r">{date('Y-m-d', $t[addtime])} </span> -->
   <a href="{$t[linkurl]}" rel="external nofollow" {if $target} target="{$target}"{/if}>{$t[title]}</a>
  <div class="clear"></div>
 <div class="clear"></div>

I hope the method described in this paper is helpful to the development of destoon.

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