Method of Calling Graphic News by destoon

  • 2021-07-16 01:57:10
  • OfStack

This article exemplifies how destoon invokes graphic news, which is a very common and practical technique. Share it for your reference. The specific implementation method is as follows:

The main function code is as follows:

{if $DT[page_news]}

<!--{tag("moduleid=21&length=16&condition=status=3 and level=3 and thumb<>''&pagesize=1&target=_blank&order=addtime desc&width=100&height=80&cols=1&template=thumb-table")}-->


<!--{php $tags=tag("moduleid=7&condition=status=3 and thumb!=''&length=30 and level>0&areaid=$cityid&pagesize=1&datetype=2&order=addtime desc&target=_blank&template=null");}-->
{loop $tags $i $t} <a href="{$t[linkurl]}" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank"><span><img src="{$t[thumb]}" width="96" height="66" alt="" ></span> <strong>{$t[title]}</strong> <small>{dsubstr($t[introduce],76)}... <em>[ Details ]</em></small> </a> {/loop} </div>

I hope the method described in this paper can be helpful to the development of destoon.

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