Method of Displaying Different Colors of Company Names of Different Member Groups by destoon

  • 2021-07-16 01:56:46
  • OfStack

Most of the time, when developing destoon, it is necessary to display it differently for different member groups (such as ordinary members and VIP members). This paper is the implementation of destoon for different member group company name display of different colors. The details are as follows:

The main implementation code is as follows:

<a href="{$t[linkurl]}" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank"><strong class="px14">{if $t[groupid] == "8"}<font COLOR="red">{$t[company]}</font>{else}{$t[company]}{/if}</strong></a>

In the above example, red tracing display is performed when if judges that the member group ID is 8. Readers can also make bold or replace other colors according to the situation. I hope the examples described in this article will be helpful to everyone's destoon development.

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