Some Suggestions for PHP Beginners of PHP Learning Experience Summary

  • 2021-07-13 04:50:12
  • OfStack

These suggestions are my own experience of growing up in the accumulation of 1 point of view, only for reference, I believe that 810% of you are helpful!

Don't worry about which environment to use when you first learn PHP. appserv, wamp integration environment is good There are many kinds of editors, but it is best to be familiar with one of them and get into the habit of handwriting code Commonly used functions should be memorized All environmental errors are turned on to shield NOTICE In case of error reporting, carefully read the cause and line number of error reporting, and analyze the solutions Differences between POST and GET Differences between SESSION and COOKIE Do not use COOKIE to record important information, such as passwords Do not store passwords in clear text in the database Transmitting Chinese 1 must be URLENCODE, and JS asynchronous submission is the same The Ajax response page should use JSON, especially when there are Chinese or special symbols Know the difference between require and include The relevant configuration information files should not be in the WEB root directory when the project is deployed Use folders to store uploaded files hierarchically, and do not put all uploaded files under upload1 folders You can only use POST for uploading files, and the FORM form should declare enctype= "multipart/form-data" Thinking about the verification mechanism and implementation mode of verification code How does MC cooperate with PHP to make cache Think about how to use PHP to generate HTML static pages Never trust the information entered by the user Think about for ($i=0; $i < count ($array); $i + +) {..} and for ($i=0, $k=count ($array); $i < $k; $i + +) {..} Difference Understand the character set and deal with Chinese garbled codes What problems should be paid attention to in Chinese and English character interception How to solve SESSION problem with multiple servers How to Implement SESSION by Using Database Think about how to limit the size of uploaded files How doe IP address be stored in that database Use PHP to make an WEB chat room and think about how to realize it. How does PHP interact with flash How to Generate PHP Dynamic Variables Advantages and disadvantages of saving pictures to database and saving picture addresses to database? How does PHP achieve file upload progress To get the suffix of the file name, there are at most several methods you can use Multidimensional array sorting Write 1 URL, email regular After you publish a blog post, you need to send email notification to tens of thousands of netizens. How do you realize this function Write a collection program to collect weather forecast to your site Read Taobao, Tencent, network disk and other API documents, what did you realize Write a simple Chinese word segmentation program, or understand other PHP Chinese word segmentation

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