Dynamic Access and Using Skills of PHP Namespace of namespace

  • 2021-07-13 04:36:09
  • OfStack

The namespace of PHP (namespace) is the most important new feature added in PHP 5.3. This concept has been around for a long time in C #, and namespace in php is actually the same concept as c #.

1. Dynamic access to the elements of the namespace

namespace me\poet;
function test()
  echo '1111';
$fun = 'test';// You can't use it like this. In the end, $fun() Cannot dynamically call to test():Fatal error: Call to undefined function test()
$fun = '\me\poet\test';// Correct 
//$fun = 'me\poet\test';// Correct 

That is, the dynamic invocation must be a qualified name or a fully qualified name (concept reference: the basis for the use of the PHP namespace)

2. Magic constants and operators

namespace me\poet;
function test()
  echo '1';
echo __NAMESPACE__;   // Magic constant : The name of the namespace (output  me\poet ) 
//namespace Operator: Explicitly accesses the elements in the current namespace or child namespace, equivalent to the self Operator 
// The last two lines of code are equivalent. 

3. Aliases, imports, and global spaces (with multiple examples)

namespace ws\weichen\www;
use ws\weichen\www as poet;// Define aliases poet
//use ws\weichen\www; // Do not add as Take the last as the alias ( www ) 
function demo()
  echo '1';
//www\demo();      // Do not add as Is called in the case of 

The above three lines of code have one effect.
Benefits of naming according to rules (ws\ weichen\ www): If the domain name is changed, the prefix name can be changed without affecting the use of alias www in the following code.

/*  Import  */
include 'hello.class.php';
use \ws\weichen\www;
use \Hello;
/*  Support multiple use Statement  */
use \nihao\shijie as hello, \ws\weichen\www;
/*  Global space : Backslash call  */
namespace A\B\C;
// This function is  A\B\C\fopen();
function fopen()
  $f = \fopen('demo.txt');// Call global fopen Function 
  return $f;

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