PHP only allows specified IP to access of allows * wildcard character to filter IP

  • 2021-07-07 06:45:17
  • OfStack

The core function code is as follows:

 *  Detect the accessed ip Is it allowed by the regulations ip
 * Enter description here ...
function check_ip(){
	$check_ip_arr= explode('.',$IP);// To be detected ip Split into arrays 
	# Limit IP
	if(!in_array($IP,$ALLOWED_IP)) {
		foreach ($ALLOWED_IP as $val){
		  if(strpos($val,'*')!==false){// Found to have * Sign substitute 
		  	 $arr=explode('.', $val);
		  	 $bl=true;// Used to record whether there is a successful match in loop detection 
		  	 	if($arr[$i]!='*'){// Not equal to *  It is necessary to come in for testing. If it is * Symbol substitutes are not checked 
		  	 			break;// Terminate the inspection of this ip  Keep checking 1 A ip
		  	 }//end for 
		  	 if($bl){// If it is true You find a 1 If the match is successful, it will return 
		}//end foreach
		header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');
		echo "Access forbidden";
*  Obtain access to IP 
* Enter description here ... 
function getIP() { 

Add the call check_ip () where it needs to be detected; That is enough; This function only allows the specified IP to access the file, and provides a * wildcard character in IP to match multiple IP

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