Brief introduction of plug in controller function of ThinkPHP3.2. 2

  • 2021-07-07 06:44:46
  • OfStack

Since version 3.2. 2, ThinkPHP supports the call of plug-in controller, and can access the controller defined by a plug-in in the module through a more convenient URL address.

When the plug-in controller variable is passed in URL, the action method in the plug-in controller is automatically navigated.

The variable of the plug-in controller is set by the parameter VAR_ADDON, which defaults to addon. For example, we passed in URL:


Because the addon parameter is passed in, the User controller here is not the original one


Instead, call the InfoController controller of the SystemInfo plug-in (located under the Home/Addon directory), and the file is located in the


The definition of plug-in controller itself is similar to that of ordinary access controller 1, for example:

namespace Home\Addon\SystemInfo\Controller;
 class InfoController extends \Think\Controller{
  public function index(){
    echo 'Addon SystemInfo';

In this way, we are visiting


Will output when

Addon SystemInfo

If our plug-in directory is not Addon, but Plugin, we need to define it in the configuration file:

'VAR_ADDON'  =>  'plugin'

Then accessing the URL address becomes


It should be noted that at present, plug-in controllers only support plug-in controller access of modules, and do not support global public plug-ins.

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