Method of Adding destoon Homepage Template Style

  • 2021-07-01 06:58:21
  • OfStack

DESTOON system provides us with several sets of default homepage templates. If we are not satisfied, we can also make templates by ourselves. Let's take a look at several key positions involved in the company templates in the system first.

The company homepage template is stored in the template catalog/homepage/(default is template/default/homepage)

Company homepage style is stored in company/skin/

These two positions are very important, is the company homepage template storage location, is also the production template storage location, 1 generally, it is recommended not to directly modify the default template or style, in order to make reference.

If you need to create a new set of templates, you can copy one template catalogu/homepage catalogu/newhomepage, for example, to create a set of styles, and you can copy one company/skin/default catalogu/company/skin/newskin, for example
Go backstage-- > Membership management- > Corporate management- > Company template- > Add a template
Template Name Fill in the name of the new template, such as newmoban

Fill in the style directory newskin style CSS style and so on and store it in this template.

Template directory Fill in the new directory created by newhomepage to store the produced templates.

The member group is selected according to the user group that needs to be authorized
At the front desk of the website, log in with the test member account and enter the homepage of the member center to set the template

Enable the newly added template, where Template 1 must be enabled to preview.
Then, while modifying the style and template, refresh the relevant pages of the member homepage, that is, you can see the effect of the new template.

After the template is made, grab the interface picture, modify the size to 150px X 110px, and name it thumb. gif and save it in company/skin/newskin/for preview when members choose.

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