Conversion and Judgment of String Encoding for PHP Learning Notes

  • 2021-06-28 09:00:37
  • OfStack

iconv('GBK', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', ' Script Home '); //  Puts a string from  GBK  Encoding to  UTF-8  Code 

However, iconv only solves cases where the encoding is known beforehand. If the string encoding is unknown, it needs to be probed first, and mb_may be usedstring Extension Library:

mb_detect_encoding(' Script Home ');

But mb_detect_encoding had a hard injury and often had inaccurate judgement.Perhaps this will solve the problem:

//  Use  iconv  Converting and determining equivalence is inefficient 
function is_utf8 ($str) {
    if ($str === iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $str)) {
        return 'UTF-8';
//  Multiple encoding scenarios 
function detect_encoding ($str) {
    foreach (array('GBK', 'UTF-8') as $v) {
        if ($str === iconv($v, $v . '//IGNORE', $str)) {
            return $v;

Once you get the string encoding information in the above way, you can use iconv or mb_convert_encoding to convert the encoding.

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