php Implements Code Sharing for File Download

  • 2021-06-28 08:50:22
  • OfStack

A simple php file downloads the source code. Although breakpoint continuation is not supported, it can meet some common requirements.php download files can be achieved with an a tag, such as < a href="web/" > < /a > .But there are a few formats that browsers can recognize, such as.txt,.html,.pdf, and so on. < a href="web/abc.txt" > abc.txt < /a > You must know what's going to happen.

 *  File Download 
download('web/', 'magento download ');
function download($file, $down_name){
 $suffix = substr($file,strrpos($file,'.')); // Get File Suffix 
 $down_name = $down_name.$suffix; // The new file name is the downloaded name 
 // Determine whether a given file exists or not  
  die(" The file you are downloading no longer exists, it may have been deleted ");
 $fp = fopen($file,"r");
 $file_size = filesize($file);
 // Headers needed to download files 
 header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
 header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
 header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$down_name);
 $buffer = 1024;
 $file_count = 0;
 // Return data to browser  
 while(!feof($fp) && $file_count < $file_size){
  $file_con = fread($fp,$buffer);
  $file_count += $buffer;
  echo $file_con;

You can also see the more detailed code in this comment:

 $file_name="bjnihao.jpg";  //出现中文 程序无法完成下载 提示:文件不存在 
 //对文件进行转码(PHP文件函数 比较古老 需对中文码转成 gb2312)
 //iconv ― Convert string to requested character encoding

  echo "文件不存在";
  return ; //直接退出

 //http 下载需要的响应头 
 header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); //返回的文件 
 header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");   //按照字节大小返回
 header("Accept-Length: $file_size"); //返回文件大小
 header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$file_name);//这里客户端的弹出对话框,对应的文件名
 while(!feof($fp) && ($file_size-$file_count)>0){
  echo $file_data;

Encapsulation function:

< ?php
Encapsulation function:
Parameter Description - $file_name: File name
$file_sub_dir: Subpath of file download
function file_dowm($file_name,$file_sub_dir){
//File Transcoding

//Use absolute paths

//Open file - judge before you operate

echo "File does not exist";
return; //immediate withdrawal

//Exist--Open File


//Get file size
//Here you can set how big you cannot download
if($file_size > 50){
echo "File too big to download";
return ;

//http Download Response Header Required
header ("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); //Files returned
header ("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); //Return by byte size
header ("Accept-Length: $file_size ";//Return file size
header ("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=". $file_name);//Client's pop-up dialog here, corresponding file name

//Return data to client
//Set Size Output

//For download security, we'd better make a file byte read counter
//Determine if the file pointer reached the end of the file (end of reading file)
while(!feof($fp) & & ($file_size-$file_count) > 0){

//Count how many bytes read
//Return some data to the browser
echo $file_data;

//Close File

? >

Another code:

public function downloads($name){
  $name_tmp = explode("_",$name);
  $type = $name_tmp[0];
  $file_time = explode(".",$name_tmp[3]);
  $file_time = $file_time[0];
  $file_date = date("Y/md",$file_time);
  $file_dir = SITE_PATH."/data/uploads/$type/$file_date/"; 

  if (!file_exists($file_dir.$name)){
   header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
   echo "File not found!";
  } else {
   $file = fopen($file_dir.$name,"r"); 
   Header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
   Header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
   Header("Accept-Length: ".filesize($file_dir . $name));
   Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$name);
   echo fread($file, filesize($file_dir.$name));

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