PHP Plugin and Example of Online Payment Interface ECSHOP for Bank of Communications

  • 2021-06-28 08:49:26
  • OfStack

Recently, a project requires Bank of Communications online payment, ecshop does not have this interface, so through some time of specialization, a plug-in was made.There are good things to share, of course, and share them here specially. I hope I can help people who need it like me and lighten the burden of development for you. Also, please point out some good methods and suggestions to learn from each other and make progress!

Before using the plug-in, please configure the online payment environment of Bank of Communications (specific installation method, demo provided by Bank of Communications will be or is not difficult, just pay attention to the details).After installation, please save the following plug-in source and language pack source paths to the appropriate files, and finally enter the background of the payment module installation.

Plug-in source (includes/modules/payment/bankcomm.php):

 * 交通银行在线支付插件 For Ecshop
 * Author: Reson
 * Date: 2014/03/31
if (!defined('IN_ECS'))
 die('Hacking attempt');
$payment_lang = ROOT_PATH . 'languages/' .$GLOBALS['_CFG']['lang']. '/payment/bankcomm.php';
if (file_exists($payment_lang))
 global $_LANG;
/* 模块的基本信息 */
if (isset($set_modules) && $set_modules == TRUE)
 $i = isset($modules) ? count($modules) : 0;
 /* 代码 */
 $modules[$i]['code']    = basename(__FILE__, '.php');
 /* 描述对应的语言项 */
 $modules[$i]['desc']    = 'bankcomm_desc';
 /* 是否支持货到付款 */
 $modules[$i]['is_cod']  = '0';
 /* 是否支持在线支付 */
 $modules[$i]['is_online']  = '1';
 /* 支付费用,由配送决定 */
 $modules[$i]['pay_fee'] = '0';
 /* 作者 */
 $modules[$i]['author']  = 'Reson';
 /* 网址 */
 $modules[$i]['website'] = '';
 /* 版本号 */
 $modules[$i]['version'] = '';
 /* 配置信息 */
 $modules[$i]['config']  = array();

 * 类
class bankcomm
  * 构造函数
  * @return void
 function bankcomm()
 function __construct()
  * 提交函数
 function get_code($order)
  $param['interfaceVersion'] = ''; //消息版本号*
  $param['merID'] = '301310063009501'; //商户号 (测试号,后期可自行更改)
  $param['orderid'] = $order['orderid']; //订单号*
  $param['orderDate'] = local_date("Ymd",gmtime()); //商户订单日期* yyyyMMdd
  $param['orderTime'] = local_date("His",gmtime()); //商户订单时间* HHmmss
  $param['tranType'] = 0; //交易类别* 0:B2C
  $param['amount'] = $order['amount']; //订单金额*
  $param['curType'] = 'CNY'; //交易币种* 默认CNY
  $param['orderContent'] = '';
  $param['orderMono'] = $order['orderMono']; //商家备注
  $param['phdFlag'] = ''; //物流配送标志
  $param['notifyType'] = 1; //通知方式* 1 通知
  $param['merURL'] = ''; 
  $param['goodsURL'] = $order['goodsURL']; //取货URL
  $param['jumpSeconds'] = '';
  $param['payBatchNo'] = '';
  $param['proxyMerName'] = '';
  $param['proxyMerType'] = '';
  $param['proxyMerCredentials'] = '';
  $param['netType'] = 0; //渠道编号* 0:html渠道
  $param['issBankNo'] = '';

  $tranCode = "cb2200_sign";
  $source = '';
  foreach($param as $key=>$val){
   if($key != 'issBankNo')
   $source .= $val.'|';
  $source = substr($source,0,strlen($source)-1); 
  $socketUrl = "tcp://"; //这里的端口根据自己配置的情况
  $fp = stream_socket_client($socketUrl, $errno, $errstr, 30);
  if (!$fp) {
   echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />\n";
  } else 
   $in  = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>";
   $in .= "<Message>";
   $in .= "<TranCode>".$tranCode."</TranCode>";
   $in .= "<MsgContent>".$source."</MsgContent>";
   $in .= "</Message>";
   fwrite($fp, $in);
   while (!feof($fp)) {
    $retMsg =$retMsg.fgets($fp, 1024); 
  $dom = new DOMDocument;

  $retCode = $dom->getElementsByTagName('retCode');
  $retCode_value = $retCode->item(0)->nodeValue;

  $errMsg = $dom->getElementsByTagName('errMsg');
  $errMsg_value = $errMsg->item(0)->nodeValue;

  $signMsg = $dom->getElementsByTagName('signMsg');
  $signMsg_value = $signMsg->item(0)->nodeValue;

  $orderUrl = $dom->getElementsByTagName('orderUrl');
  $orderUrl_value = $orderUrl->item(0)->nodeValue;

  $MerchID = $dom->getElementsByTagName('MerchID');
  $merID = $MerchID->item(0)->nodeValue;
  //echo "retMsg=".$retMsg;
  //echo $retCode_value." ".$errMsg_value." ".$signMsg_value." ".$orderUrl_value;
  if($retCode_value != "0"){
   //echo "交易返回码:".$retCode_value."<br>";
   //echo "交易错误信息:" .$errMsg_value."<br>";
   return "交易错误信息:" .$errMsg_value."<br>";
   $param['signMsg_value'] = $signMsg_value;
   $param['orderUrl_value'] = $orderUrl_value;
   $form_code = $this->create_html($param); //创建提交表单
   return $form_code;


  * 创建提交表单
 function create_html($param){
  $pay_html ='<form name = "form1" method = "post" action = "'.$param['orderUrl_value'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "interfaceVersion" value = "'.$param['interfaceVersion'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "merID" value = "'.$param['merID'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "orderid" value = "'.$param['orderid'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "orderDate" value = "'.$param['orderDate'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "orderTime" value = "'.$param['orderTime'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "tranType" value = "'.$param['tranType'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "amount" value = "'.$param['amount'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "curType" value = "'.$param['curType'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "orderContent" value = "'.$param['orderContent'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "orderMono" value = "'.$param['orderMono'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "phdFlag" value = "'.$param['phdFlag'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "notifyType" value = "'.$param['notifyType'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "merURL" value = "'.$param['merURL'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "goodsURL" value = "'.$param['goodsURL'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "jumpSeconds" value = "'.$param['jumpSeconds'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "payBatchNo" value = "'.$param['payBatchNo'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "proxyMerName" value = "'.$param['proxyMerName'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "proxyMerType" value = "'.$param['proxyMerType'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "proxyMerCredentials" value = "'.$param['proxyMerCredentials'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "netType" value = "'.$param['netType'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "merSignMsg" value = "'.$param['signMsg_value'].'">
  <input type = "hidden" name = "issBankNo" value = "'.$param['issBankNo'].'">

  <input type="submit" value=" " class="pay_button" />
  return $pay_html;
  * 处理函数
 function respond()
  $tranCode = "cb2200_verify";
  $notifyMsg = $_REQUEST["notifyMsg"];   
  $lastIndex = strripos($notifyMsg,"|");
  $signMsg = substr($notifyMsg,$lastIndex+1); //签名信息
  $srcMsg = substr($notifyMsg,0,$lastIndex+1);//原文

  $socketUrl = "tcp://";
  $fp = stream_socket_client($socketUrl, $errno, $errstr, 30);
  if (!$fp) {
   //echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />\n";
   return false;
   $in  = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>";
   $in .= "<Message>";
   $in .= "<TranCode>".$tranCode."</TranCode>";
   $in .= "<MsgContent>".$notifyMsg."</MsgContent>";
   $in .= "</Message>";
   fwrite($fp, $in);
   while (!feof($fp)) {
    $retMsg =$retMsg.fgets($fp, 1024); 

  $dom = new DOMDocument;

  $retCode = $dom->getElementsByTagName('retCode');
  $retCode_value = $retCode->item(0)->nodeValue;

  $errMsg = $dom->getElementsByTagName('errMsg');
  $errMsg_value = $errMsg->item(0)->nodeValue;

  $signMsg = $dom->getElementsByTagName('signMsg');
  $signMsg_value = $signMsg->item(0)->nodeValue;

  if($retCode_value != ''){
   //echo "交易返回码:".$retCode_value."<br>";
   //echo "交易错误信息:" .$errMsg_value."<br>";
   return false;
   $arr = preg_split("/\|{1,}/",$srcMsg); 
   $pay_id = $arr[1];
   $action_note = base64_decode($arr[16]);
   // 完成订单。
   order_paid($pay_id, PS_PAYED, $action_note);
   return true; 

  ///////////////// respond END ///////////////


Language Pack Source (languages/zh_cn/payment/bankcomm.php:

 *  Bank of Communications Language Files 
 * by: Reson
 * 2014/03/31
global $_LANG;
$_LANG['bankcomm'] = ' Bank of Communications Online Payment ';
$_LANG['bankcomm_desc'] = ' Bank of Communications Online Payment ';
$_LANG['pay_button'] = ' Bank of Communications Payment ';

The following are examples of calls:

include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/modules/payment/bankcomm.php');
$order_['orderid'] = $order['order_sn'];
$order_['amount'] = $order['yd_price'];
$order_['orderMono'] = ' test '; // Commerce Notes 
$order_['goodsURL'] = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/respond.php?code=bankcomm'; // Goods taken URL
$pay_code = new bankcomm;
$pay_button = $pay_code->get_code($order_);
$order['pay_button'] = $pay_button; // That is, it has already been generated 1 Payment buttons 

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