Summary of common MongoDB operations in PHP

  • 2021-01-14 05:42:28
  • OfStack

$mongodb = new Mongo();

//$connection = new Mongo( "$dburl:$port" ); // connect to a remote host (default port)

$mydb = $mongodb- > mydb; // Create database mydb

$mydb = $mongodb- > selectDB("mydb"); // Select the existing database directly

$collection = $mydb- > mycollect; // Select the corpus used. If it does not exist, create it automatically

$collection = $db- > selectCollection('mydb'); // Select only, not create

// Insert new record

$collection- > insert(array("name"= > "l4yn3", "age"= > "10", "sex":"unknow"));

// Modify the record

$where = array("name"= > "l4yn3");

$update_item = array('$set'= > array("age"= > "15", "sex":"secret"));

$collection- > update($where, $update_item);

$options['multiple'] = true; // The default is false, whether to change the matching multiple lines

$collection- > update($where, $update_item, $options);

// query records

$myinfo = $collection- > findOne(array("name"= > "l4yn3"));

$myinfo = $collection- > findOne(array("name"= >
"l4yn3"), array("age"= > "15"));

// Search by condition:
$query = array("name"= > "l4yn3");
$cursor = $collection- > find($query); $collectio = $query; $collectio = $query
while($cursor- > hasNext())
var_dump($cursor- > getNext()); // Returns an array

// Returns the number of documentation records

$collection- > count();

// delete 1 database:
$connection- > dropDB("...");

// list all available databases:
$m- > listDBs(); // No return value
// Close the connection:
$connection- > close();

php Various parametric ways to connect to mongodb databases

/ / connect localhost: 27017
$conn = new Mongo();
// Connect to the default port of the remote host
$conn = new Mongo('');
// Connect to the remote host port 22011
$conn = new Mongo('');
//MongoDB UseName Password
$conn = new Mongo("mongodb://${username}:${password}@localhost")
//MongoDB is a user name with a password and the database blog is specified
$conn = new Mongo("mongodb://${username}:${password}@localhost/blog");
// Multiple servers
$conn = new Mongo("mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018");

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