In php the usage of sprintf and printf functions is analyzed

  • 2021-01-02 21:47:09
  • OfStack

Here's an example: 4 rounded to 5 to keep two decimal places

$num1 = 21;
echo sprintf("%0.2f",$num1)."<br />"; // The output  21.00
$num2 = 16.3287;
echo sprintf("%0.2f",$num2)."<br />"; // The output  16.33
$num3 = 32.12329;
echo sprintf("%0.2f",$num3)."<br />"; // The output  32.12 

Explain what %0.2f means:

% represents the start character
Zero means the empty space is filled with zero
Two means you have to have two decimal places
f represents converting to floating-point numbers

The conversion character
% prints out the percentage symbol and does not convert.
b integers are rounded to 2.
The c integer is converted to the corresponding ASCII character.
d integers are rounded to 10.
f times precision to convert numbers to floating point numbers.
o integers turn into 8 carries.
s integer converted into a string.
The x integer is carried in lowercase 106.
X integers are carried in capital 106.

The difference between printf and sprintf

1. printf function:

int printf ( string format [, mixed args [, mixed ...]] )

Produces output according to format , which is described in the documentation for sprintf() .

Returns the length of the outputted string.

Format the text for output, such as:

printf("my name is %s, age %d", $name, $age); 

2. sprintf function:
string sprintf ( string format [, mixed args [, mixed ...]] )

Returns a string produced according to the formatting string format .

Similar to printf, but not printed, but returns formatted text, the rest as printf1.

3. print function:

Is a function that returns 1 value and has only 1 argument.

int print ( string arg )

Outputs arg . Returns 1 , always.

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