Solve the problem of php receiving the result from shell

  • 2020-12-16 05:53:59
  • OfStack

If php is required to execute 1 of the shell commands and view the results displayed, if shell outputs Chinese, php may return something like "? \ 230? \ 180? \ 187? \ 229? \ 138? \168 "string. Then you need this function translation:
// This function accepts all paths, so it determines the file extension  
function shell2txt($a){ 
$ary = explode('/', $a); 
foreach($ary as $k => $v){ 
if(strpos($v, '?\\') !== false){ 
$_ary = explode('?\\', $v); 

foreach($_ary as $_k=>$_v){ 
if($_v == '') continue; 
// Determines if there is a file extension  
$end = ''; 
if(strpos($_v, '.') !== false){ 
$end = substr($_v, strpos($_v, '.')); 
$_ary[$_k] = dechex($_v).$end; 

$ary[$k] = implode('%', $_ary); 

$a = implode('/', $ary); 
return urldecode($a); 

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