PHP gets the specific implementation of the city based on the IP address

  • 2020-11-20 06:02:45
  • OfStack

File directory:


ipCity. class. php file code:

class ipCity {
     *  According to the ip Get the address of the corresponding city 
     * @param type $userip  The user IP address 
     * @return string
    public function getCity( $userip, $dat_path = '' ) {
        //IP Database path, which I'm using here QQ IP The database  20110405  Pure version 
        empty( $dat_path ) && $dat_path = FCPATH . 'plugin/ipLocation/qqwry/QQWry.Dat';
        // judge IP Is the address valid 
        if ( preg_match( "/^([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$/", $userip ) == 0 ) {
            return 'IP Address Invalid';
        // Open the IP The database 
        if ( !$fd = @fopen( $dat_path, 'rb' ) ) {
            return 'IP data file not exists or access denied';
        //explode The function decomposition IP Address, operation to obtain integer shape results 
        $userip = explode( '.', $userip );
        $useripNum = $userip[0] * 16777216 + $userip[1] * 65536 + $userip[2] * 256 + $userip[3];
        // To obtain IP Address index start and end locations 
        $DataBegin = fread( $fd, 4 );
        $DataEnd = fread( $fd, 4 );
        $useripbegin = implode( '', unpack( 'L', $DataBegin ) );
        if ( $useripbegin < 0 )
            $useripbegin += pow( 2, 32 );
        $useripend = implode( '', unpack( 'L', $DataEnd ) );
        if ( $useripend < 0 )
            $useripend += pow( 2, 32 );
        $useripAllNum = ($useripend - $useripbegin) / 7 + 1;
        $BeginNum = 0;
        $EndNum = $useripAllNum;
        // use 2 Fractional lookup searches for a match from an index record IP The geologic record 
        while ( $userip1num > $useripNum || $userip2num < $useripNum ) {
            $Middle = intval( ($EndNum + $BeginNum) / 2 );
            // Offset pointer read to index position 4 bytes 
            fseek( $fd, $useripbegin + 7 * $Middle );
            $useripData1 = fread( $fd, 4 );
            if ( strlen( $useripData1 ) < 4 ) {
                fclose( $fd );
                return 'File Error';
            // Extract the data transformation growth plastic, if the data is negative then add 2 the 32 power 
            $userip1num = implode( '', unpack( 'L', $useripData1 ) );
            if ( $userip1num < 0 )
                $userip1num += pow( 2, 32 );
            // The number of long integers extracted is greater than ours IP The address will be modified at the end of the location 1 loops 
            if ( $userip1num > $useripNum ) {
                $EndNum = $Middle;
            // Take on the 1 Index and then pull down 1 index 
            $DataSeek = fread( $fd, 3 );
            if ( strlen( $DataSeek ) < 3 ) {
                fclose( $fd );
                return 'File Error';
            $DataSeek = implode( '', unpack( 'L', $DataSeek . chr( 0 ) ) );
            fseek( $fd, $DataSeek );
            $useripData2 = fread( $fd, 4 );
            if ( strlen( $useripData2 ) < 4 ) {
                fclose( $fd );
                return 'File Error';
            $userip2num = implode( '', unpack( 'L', $useripData2 ) );
            if ( $userip2num < 0 )
                $userip2num += pow( 2, 32 );
            // Can't find IP Address corresponds to city 
            if ( $userip2num < $useripNum ) {
                if ( $Middle == $BeginNum ) {
                    fclose( $fd );
                    return 'No Data';
                $BeginNum = $Middle;
        $useripFlag = fread( $fd, 1 );
        if ( $useripFlag == chr( 1 ) ) {
            $useripSeek = fread( $fd, 3 );
            if ( strlen( $useripSeek ) < 3 ) {
                fclose( $fd );
                return 'System Error';
            $useripSeek = implode( '', unpack( 'L', $useripSeek . chr( 0 ) ) );
            fseek( $fd, $useripSeek );
            $useripFlag = fread( $fd, 1 );
        if ( $useripFlag == chr( 2 ) ) {
            $AddrSeek = fread( $fd, 3 );
            if ( strlen( $AddrSeek ) < 3 ) {
                fclose( $fd );
                return 'System Error';
            $useripFlag = fread( $fd, 1 );
            if ( $useripFlag == chr( 2 ) ) {
                $AddrSeek2 = fread( $fd, 3 );
                if ( strlen( $AddrSeek2 ) < 3 ) {
                    fclose( $fd );
                    return 'System Error';
                $AddrSeek2 = implode( '', unpack( 'L', $AddrSeek2 . chr( 0 ) ) );
                fseek( $fd, $AddrSeek2 );
            } else {
                fseek( $fd, -1, SEEK_CUR );
            while ( ($char = fread( $fd, 1 )) != chr( 0 ) )
                $useripAddr2 .= $char;
            $AddrSeek = implode( '', unpack( 'L', $AddrSeek . chr( 0 ) ) );
            fseek( $fd, $AddrSeek );
            while ( ($char = fread( $fd, 1 )) != chr( 0 ) )
                $useripAddr1 .= $char;
        } else {
            fseek( $fd, -1, SEEK_CUR );
            while ( ($char = fread( $fd, 1 )) != chr( 0 ) )
                $useripAddr1 .= $char;
            $useripFlag = fread( $fd, 1 );
            if ( $useripFlag == chr( 2 ) ) {
                $AddrSeek2 = fread( $fd, 3 );
                if ( strlen( $AddrSeek2 ) < 3 ) {
                    fclose( $fd );
                    return 'System Error';
                $AddrSeek2 = implode( '', unpack( 'L', $AddrSeek2 . chr( 0 ) ) );
                fseek( $fd, $AddrSeek2 );
            } else {
                fseek( $fd, -1, SEEK_CUR );
            while ( ($char = fread( $fd, 1 )) != chr( 0 ) ) {
                $useripAddr2 .= $char;
        fclose( $fd );
        // return IP The address corresponds to the city result 
        if ( preg_match( '/http/i', $useripAddr2 ) ) {
            $useripAddr2 = '';
        $useripaddr = "$useripAddr1 $useripAddr2";
        $useripaddr = preg_replace( '/CZ88.Net/is', '', $useripaddr );
        $useripaddr = preg_replace( '/^s*/is', '', $useripaddr );
        $useripaddr = preg_replace( '/s*$/is', '', $useripaddr );
        if ( preg_match( '/http/i', $useripaddr ) || $useripaddr == '' ) {
            $useripaddr = 'No Data';
        } elseif ( !$this->is_utf8( $useripaddr ) ) {
            $useripaddr = iconv( 'GBK', 'UTF-8', $useripaddr );
        return $useripaddr;
     *  Judge whether I utf-8 Encoded string 
     * @param type $string
     * @return boolean
    private function is_utf8( $string ) {
        if ( preg_match( "/^([" . chr( 228 ) . "-" . chr( 233 ) . "]{1}[" . chr( 128 ) . "-" . chr( 191 ) . "]{1}[" . chr( 128 ) . "-" . chr( 191 ) . "]{1}){1}/", $string ) == true || preg_match( "/([" . chr( 228 ) . "-" . chr( 233 ) . "]{1}[" . chr( 128 ) . "-" . chr( 191 ) . "]{1}[" . chr( 128 ) . "-" . chr( 191 ) . "]{1}){1}$/", $string ) == true || preg_match( "/([" . chr( 228 ) . "-" . chr( 233 ) . "]{1}[" . chr( 128 ) . "-" . chr( 191 ) . "]{1}[" . chr( 128 ) . "-" . chr( 191 ) . "]{1}){2,}/", $string ) == true ) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

QQWry. Dat file download address: http: / / xiazai ofstack. com / 201311 / yuanma qqwry dat (ofstack. com). zip

Usage Demonstration:

include FCPATH . 'plugin/ipLocation/ipCity.class.php';
$city = new ipCity();
$addr = $city->getCity( '' );
echo $addr; // echo  Local address 

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