php does not use regular verification for real and fake ID CARDS

  • 2020-10-31 21:41:27
  • OfStack

Look directly at the code, a very simple PHP class

$IDCard = new IDCard();
 * Id card Processing
class IDCard {
    // Check whether the ID card is correct
    public static function isCard($card) {
        $card = self::to18Card($card);
        if (strlen($card) != 18) {
            return false;
        $cardBase = substr($card, 0, 17);
        return (self::getVerifyNum($cardBase) == strtoupper(substr($card, 17, 1)));
    // formatting 15 The digit ID number is 18 position
    public static function to18Card($card) {
        $card = trim($card);
        if (strlen($card) == 18) {
            return $card;
        if (strlen($card) != 15) {
            return false;
        // If the ID order code is 996 997 998 999 These are special codes for people over 100 years old
        if (array_search(substr($card, 12, 3), array('996', '997', '998', '999')) !== false) {
            $card = substr($card, 0, 6) . '18' . substr($card, 6, 9);
        } else {
            $card = substr($card, 0, 6) . '19' . substr($card, 6, 9);
        $card = $card . self::getVerifyNum($card);
        return $card;
    // Calculate id check code according to national standard gb 11643-1999
    private static function getVerifyNum($cardBase) {
        if (strlen($cardBase) != 17) {
            return false;
        // The weighting factor
        $factor = array(7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2);
        // The corresponding value of the check code
        $verify_number_list = array('1', '0', 'X', '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2');
        $checksum = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($cardBase); $i++) {
            $checksum += substr($cardBase, $i, 1) * $factor[$i];
        $mod = $checksum % 11;
        $verify_number = $verify_number_list[$mod];
        return $verify_number;

In addition, the website also provides the following tools for the identification number verification:

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