php modifies and adds xml node attribute implementation code

  • 2020-10-07 18:35:39
  • OfStack

php modifies the code that adds xml node attribute, for your reference.
php modifies the xml node attribute and adds the code of xml node attribute. If you need it, please refer to the following.

1. xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<server url="" port="1935" />
<rootPath value="" />
<homePath value="" />
<helpPath value="help.html" />
<language value="en" />
<theme value="default" />
<visibleMarquee value = "true" />
<visibleWhitePaper value="true" />
<showMemberRoomForGuest value = "true" />
<emotions enabled="true" column="5" autoPlay="false">
<item name="Birthday" src="cartoon/movie/birthday.swf" thumb="cartoon/preview/birthday-small.swf" duration="15"/>
<item name="Boom" src="cartoon/movie/boom.swf" thumb="cartoon/preview/boom-small.swf" duration="6"/>
<item name="Bubble" src="cartoon/movie/bubble.swf" thumb="cartoon/preview/bubble-small.swf" duration="7.5"/>
<item name="Cry" src="cartoon/movie/cry.swf" thumb="cartoon/preview/cry-small.swf" duration="5.4"/>
<item name="Doggie" src="cartoon/movie/doggie.swf" thumb="cartoon/preview/doggie-small.swf" duration="13"/>
<item name="Greeting" src="cartoon/movie/greeting.swf" thumb="cartoon/preview/greeting-small.swf" duration="7.4"/>
<item name="Football" src="cartoon/movie/football.swf" thumb="cartoon/preview/football-small.swf" duration="2.2"/>
</emotions >

2. php code

$dom=new DOMDocument('1.0');
foreach($items as $a){
foreach($a->attributes as $b){

PHP parses the XML document properties and edits them

// read xml 
 $dom=new DOMDocument('1.0'); 
$em=$dom->getElementsByTagName('videos');// Outermost node  
$items=$em->getElementsByTagName('video');// node  
// Add the following without reading directly 1 Segment removed  
foreach($items as $a){ 
foreach($a->attributes as $b){//$b->nodeValue; The value of a node property $b->nodeName; The name of the node property  
 echo $b->nodeName; 
 echo ":"; 
 echo $b->nodeValue; 
 echo "<br/>"; 
// The following is the xml write 1 New line  
$t->setAttribute('title','1');//<video name="data" 
$t->setAttribute('src','2');//<video name="data" src="2" 
$t->setAttribute('img','1');//<video name="data" img="1" 
$em->appendChild($t);//<video name="data" img="1"/> 

xml documents at the time:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
 <video img="a" url="1" title="1" nickname="1" tag="1" vid="1" star="1"/> 
 <video img="b" url="2" title="2" nickname="2" tag="2" vid="2" star="2"/> 
 <video img="c" url="3" title="3" nickname="3" tag="3" vid="3" star="3"/> 
 <video title="d" src="2" img="1"/> 

// The following file is modified later. xml can be modified

$doc = new DOMDocument(); 

// To find the  videos  node  
$root = $doc->getElementsByTagName('videos'); 

// The first 1 a  videos  node  
$root = $root->item(0); 

// To find the  videos  Under the node  video  node  
$userid = $root->getElementsByTagName('video'); 

// Iterate over all  video  node  
foreach ($userid as $rootdata) 
// Traverse every 1 a  video  Node all attributes  
foreach ($rootdata->attributes as $attrib) 
$attribName = $attrib->nodeName;   //nodeName Is the attribute name  
$attribValue = $attrib->nodeValue; //nodeValue Is attribute content  

// The lookup property name is ip Node content of  
if ($attribName =='img') 
// The find property content is ip Node content of  
if ($attribValue =='1') 
// The property of img . img Content is 1 Modifications to image; 

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