Introduction to the jpgraph class library in php

  • 2020-08-22 21:55:41
  • OfStack

With Jpgraph, as long as you know some of its built-in functions, you can easily draw line chart, column chart, pie chart and other charts.

First, make sure that PHP turns on the Gd2 extension:

Open PHP.ini, navigate to extension= php_gd2.dll, and delete the preceding semicolon.

Then download Jpgraph http: / / www aditus. nu jpgraph /, into a folder. Such as E: \ Software \ web \ www \ jpgraph.

Open PHP. ini, modify include_path parameter, increase the path of Jpgraph, such as include_path=", E:\Software\ www\jpgraph", restart the Apache service.

So the environment matches up.

A 1 routine is attached below.

  require_once '../jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php';
  require_once '../jpgraph/src/jpgraph_line.php';
  require_once '../jpgraph/src/jpgraph_bar.php';
  // y  Axis data, assigned as an array 
  $ydata = array(12,4,9,15,11,10,9,7,15,7);
  //  create  Graph  Class, 350  As the width, 250  The length, auto : Indicates that the generated cache file name is the file name of the file + extension (.jpg .png .gif  ... )
  $graph = new Graph(350,250,"auto");
  //  Set the scale type, x The axis scale can be used as a linear scale for text marking, y The axis is a straight scale 
  //  Create the coordinate class that will y Axial data injection 
  $lineplot=new LinePlot($ydata);
  // y  Set the axis line to blue 
  //  The coordinate class injects the icon class 
  //  figure 
  $graph->Stroke(); ?>

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