PHP calls the MsSQL Server 2012 stored procedure to get a detail of the multiple result set of containing the output parameters

  • 2020-07-21 07:10:48
  • OfStack

【PHP Source Code】 :

$dbh = new PDO('sqlsrv:server= Connection address ;Database= The database name ',  The user name ,  password );
try {
 $procName = "P_Test_GetMixData";
 $stmt = $dbh->prepare("EXEC $procName ?, ?, ?");
 $nReturnValue = 0;
 $strReturnValue = "";
 $strSearchValue = "abandonship";
 $stmt->bindParam(2, $strReturnValue, PDO::PARAM_STR | PDO::PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT, 10);
 $stmt->bindParam(3, $strSearchValue , PDO::PARAM_STR);

 // For the first 1 A result set .
 $rowset_1 = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
 echo '<br><br>';

 // For the first 2 A result set .
 $rowset_2 = $stmt->fetch();
 echo '<br><br>';
 //  Gets parameters of both output types 
 echo $nReturnValue.'<br><br>'; 
 echo $strReturnValue; 
} catch (Exception $e) {
 echo $e->getMessage();


*  Used for testing PDO call MsSQLServer2012 The stored procedure gets the composite result set Demo
* Code CreateBy abandonship 2012.10.11
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[P_Test_GetMixData](
 @Message_1 tinyint output,
 @Messgae_2 varchar(10) output,
 @SearchValue varchar(50)
) As
set nocount on

 set @Message_1 = 123
 set @Messgae_2 = 'Hi,there!This is abandonship!'
 select * from _T1 where col1 like '%'+@SearchValue+'%'
 select * from _T2 where col1 like '%'+@SearchValue+'%'
set nocount off

[1 Some cautions] : When there are parameters in bindParam that need to output type, the length must be included ($length).
[Remarks] : $length: An optional (integer) length of the can PDO::SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT_DEFAULT_SIZE to the default size ES3en ::PARAM_INT or PDO: : PARAM_BOOL in $data_type.

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