Parsing :php calls the MsSQL stored procedure using the built in RETVAL to get the return value in the procedure

  • 2020-07-21 07:08:29
  • OfStack

[PHP code]

 $stmt = mssql_init('P__Global_Test', $conn) or die("initialize stored procedure failure");
 mssql_bind($stmt, "RETVAL", $returnValue, SQLINT4, true);
 mssql_execute($stmt, false);
        if( $returnValue == 0 ){
           echo 'ABCD';
        else{ <PRE class=php name="code">           echo 'EFGH';</PRE> }&nbsp;

[Stored Procedure]

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.P__User_JudgeResume(
set nocount on
 set @Message = ''

 if not exists( select * from _Test )
  return 0
  return 1
set nocount off

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