of win7 memCache installation process of specific steps

  • 2020-06-23 00:04:57
  • OfStack

1. Download windows stable version of memcache, unzip it and put it under a disk, such as H:/wamp/www/php api/memcache;

2. Under the terminal (cmd command interface), enter the installation command:
H: / wamp/www/php api/memcache/memcached exe � d install
[Error :failed to install or service already installed]
Solution: Find the cmd. exe file in the system disk, right-click, and run as administrator

3. Enter a command to start the memcache service
H:/wamp/www/php api/memcache > memcached.exe -d start

4. Test whether memcache is connected successfully
H:/wamp/www/php api/memcache > telnet 11211
Error :'telnet' is not an internal or external command, nor is it a runnable program or batch file.
Note: windows7 comes with telnet, but it is not installed by default.
Open "Start" → "Control Panel" → "Open or close Windows Function" in the open window, look for and check "Telnet Client", and then click "OK". After a successful installation, enter this command under run OK.
1. Start � > The control panel? > Programs and functions
2. Turn on or off windows on the left
3. Find the Telnet client and select install

5. Enter the stats command to view basic information.
memcache connection test run successful!

6. Input: quit exit
1. Download: php_ES77en. dll component. // It comes with wamp5 integrated Development environment
2. Copy: ES81en_ES82en.dll to the specified component directory, default under php/ext/.
3. Add a sentence to php. extension= ES90en_memcache. dll.
4. Restart the WEB server and use the phpinfo() function to see if it is enabled.
Create mem. php with the source code as follows:

 $mem = new memcache;                                     // instantiation 
 $mem->connect('',11211) or die (" A link failure ");    // (Server address) 11211 (Port number) 
 echo $mem->getVersion();                                 // Get version information, use echo The output 

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