Implementation detail for traversing the file directory with PHP and clearing the files in the directory

  • 2020-06-19 09:55:40
  • OfStack

Today boring practice 1 PHP traversal file directory procedures, prepared the following two procedures, but the quality is not very good, tap ~~~
1. Clear PHP cache files


function read_dir($dir,$file)  
    $a =strpos($file,".php");  

        unlink($dir . $file);  
        echo "delete $dir$file <br>";  
        return true;  

    if(strpos($file,".") === 0 || strpos($file,".") !== false ) return true;  

    if(strpos($file,".") === false || strpos($dir,"/") === false)   
        $dir = $dir . $file . "/";  
        if(!is_dir($dir)) return false;  
        $dh = opendir($dir);  
        while(($file = readdir($dh)) != false)  
            read_dir($dir,$file);   // Recursive calls   

function clear_caches()  
    $dir = "./temp/";  // To remove the PHP Cache file directory   

    if(!is_dir($dir)) die("It is not a dir");  
    $dh = opendir($dir);  

    while(($file = readdir($dh) )!=false)  



2. Traverse all files in the directory


    <meta http-enquiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=gb2312">  
    <title> Check the directory </title>  

    <table width="600" align="center">  
            <th width="50%"> The file name </th>  
            <th width="25%"> Modify the time </th>  
            <th width="25%"> File size ( k ) </th>  


    //$dir = "./admin/";  
    $dir = "c:/";  
    $up_dir = " The higher the directory ";  
    $up_url = $dir;  

    if(isset($_REQUEST['act']) && $_REQUEST['act']=='list_dir')  
            $up_dir=" Empty directory! ";  
        $dir = isset($_REQUEST['dir']) ? $_REQUEST['dir'] : $dir;  

        $up_dir=" Invalid directory! ";  


            <td colspan="3">  

            if(strpos($up_dir," The higher the directory ")!==false)  
                //if($up_url=="") echo $up_dir;  
                if($dir != "./admin/")  
                 $up_url = substr($dir,0,-1);  
                 $k = strrpos($up_url,"/");  
                 $up_url = substr($up_url,0,$k-strlen($up_url));  
                 $up_url = $up_url ."/";  
                 echo "<a href=\"test.php?act=list_dir&dir=$up_url\">$up_dir</a>";  
                echo $up_dir;  
        $up_dir = $dir;  
        $dh = opendir($dir);    
        while(($file=readdir($dh)) != false)  
            if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != ".svn" )  
                if(strpos($file,".") !==false)  
                    $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filectime($dir . $file));  
                    $size = filesize($dir . $file)/1000;  
                    echo "<tr><td>$file</td><td>$time</td><td>$size</td></tr>";  
                    $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s.", filectime($dir . $file));  
                    $size = filesize($dir . $file)/1000;  
                    $dir = $dir . $file ."/";  

                    echo "<tr><td><a href =\"test.php?act=list_dir&dir=$dir\">$file</a></td><td>$time</td><td>$size</td></tr>";  
                    $dir = $up_dir;  




<?php die();  ?>  


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