Resolve the infinite classification of left and right values of thinkphp

  • 2020-06-15 07:54:18
  • OfStack

Before 1 direct use of unlimited parent-child classification, this classification structure is clear and simple to use. However, if the number of categories is large, the query performance is poor. For example, in the navigation menu, I want to query the whole classification tree according to a certain category (ancestors).
Performance is very expensive, either by doing recursion or by doing multiple queries. Therefore, in the case of a large amount of classified data, I recommend the use of left and right values to reduce query headaches.

         *  The constructor 
         * @access public
         * @return void
    public  function __construct($left,$right,$id){
       $this->_left = $left;
       $this->_right = $right;
       $this->_id = $id;
      *  According to the node$this->_id Get the node All the values 
      * @access public
      * @param $nodeId
      * @return array
    public  function getNodeById($nodeId)
            return $this->getById($nodeId);
            throw_exception(' The unknown $this->_id');
            return false;
           *  Get the parent node , Including immediate parent ( type=1 ), all parent classes: type=0
           * @access public 
           * @param $nodeId int  node $this->_id
           * @return $parentNode array()
    public  function getParentNode($nodeId,$type = 0)
        if($nodeId == 0) throw_exception(' The unknown $this->_id');;
        $currentNode = $this->getNodeById($nodeId);
            $condition = " ".$this->_left.'<'.$currentNode[$this->_left].' and '.$this->_right.' >'.$currentNode[$this->_right]." ";
            if($type ==1) // Directly under the parent class 
                return $this->where($condition)->order($this->_left." DESC")->limit(1)->find();
                //                $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_NAME." WHERE {$condition} ORDER BY ".$this->_left." DESC LIMIT 1";
                //                return mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
            else if($type ==0)
                return $this->where($condition)->findAll();
                //                $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_NAME." WHERE {$condition} ";
                //                return mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
            return false;
         *  Total number of children nodes under the current node . Total descendants = (right value of current node  -  The left value of the current node -1 ) /2
         * @access public 
         * @param $node_id int  node $this->_id
         * @return $amount int  The total number of descendants under this node          * 
    public  function getChildCount($nodeId)
        $currentNode = $this->getNodeById($nodeId);
            return (int)($currentNode[$this->_right]-$currentNode[$this->_left] -1)/2;
      *  Gets all the children under the current node.   when  A The right node of the subclass =B Subclass left node -1  the  A , B Belong to the same 1 level 
      * @access public 
      * @param $curentId
      * @param  $type int 0 : All subclasses under the current node, 1 Is under the current node 1 Class a subclass 
      * @return bool
    public  function getChild($nodeId,$type=0)
        $currentNode = $this->getNodeById($nodeId);
        if($currentNode[$this->_left]-$currentNode[$this->_right] ==1)
            return false; // when   The node left value  -  The right value =1   , there are no children under it. 
            $condition = $this->_left.'>'.$currentNode[$this->_left].' and '.$this->_right .'<'.$currentNode[$this->_right];
            $child = $this->where($condition)->findAll();
            if($type == 0)// All subclasses 
                return $child;
            else if($type ==1) // Gets under the current node 1 Grade classification 
                $subArr = array(); //1 Class a subclass 
                foreach ($child as $k=>$sub) {
                    // The left node of a subclass = Parent left node +1 , the subclass is the first 1 A subclass 
                        //$right = $sub[$k][$this->_right]; // Right node of the current node 
                        $firstSub = $sub; // Current node 1 A subclass 
                        array_push($subArr,$firstSub); // Subclasses into the stack 
                $rightVal =  $firstSub[$this->_right]; // The first 1 The child node is the comparison flag 
                $childCount = count($child);// Number of remaining child nodes 
                for($i=0;$i<$childCount;$i++) // Circular retrieval   Sibling node 
                    foreach ($child as $key => $sub2) {
                        if($rightVal == $sub2[$this->_left]-1)
                            $rightVal = $sub2[$this->_right]; // Put the loop current node The right node as the comparison value 
                return $subArr;
         *  Returns the full path of the current node 
         * @access public 
         * @param $nodeId
         * @return array
    public  function getSinglePath($nodeId)
        $sql = "select parent.* from __TABLE__ as node,__TABLE__ as parent where node.{$this->_left} between parent.{$this->_left}
            AND parent.{$this->_right} AND node.{$this->_id} = {$nodeId} order by parent.{$this->_left}";
//        echo $sql;
        return $this->query($sql);
      *  Add child nodes and subdivide 3 A: 0 : Last appends under the current node 1 Child node; 1 : Appends a value under the current node 1 Child node; 

2: Appends a child node under the current node

      * @access public 
      * @param $currentId int 
      * @param $nodeName string  New node name       
      * @param $targetId int  Appends to the specified node of the current node's child node 
      * @return bool
    public  function addNode($nodeId,$newData,$type=0,$targetId=0)
            throw_exception(' The new category cannot be empty ');
        $currentNode = $this->getNodeById($nodeId);
        switch ($type) {
            case 0:
                $leftNode  = $currentNode[$this->_right]; // The left value of the new node is the right value of the parent node 
                $rightNode = $leftNode+1;
            case 1:
                $leftNode = $currentNode[$this->_left]+1; // The left value of the new node is the left value of the parent node +1
                $rightNode = $leftNode+1;
            case 2:
                $otherNode = $this->getNodeById($targetId);
                $leftNode = $otherNode[$this->_right]+1;
                $rightNode = $leftNode+1;
//         $sql = "UPDATE ".TABLE_NAME." SET ".$this->_right."=".$this->_right."+2 WHERE ".$this->_right." >= ".$leftNode;
//        $sql2 = "UPDATE ".TABLE_NAME." SET ".$this->_left."=".$this->_left."+2 WHERE ".$this->_left.">".$leftNode;
        $this->setInc($this->_right,$this->_right.">=".$leftNode,2); // Assign the rvalue of all nodes whose rvalue is greater than the new node's rvalue +2, Pay attention to efficiency 
        $this->setInc($this->_left,$this->_left.">".$leftNode,2);   // Put all left values greater than the new node +2
        $newData[$this->_left] = (int)$leftNode;
        $newData[$this->_right] =(int) $rightNode;
        return $this->add($newData);
         *  Remove nodes 
         * @access public 
         * @param type  Operation type, default is 0 Delete all children under the current node, 1 To delete a node that includes itself 
         * @param $nodeId int  Want to delete the $this->_id
         * @return bool
    public  function rmNode($nodeId,$type =1)
        $currentNode = $this->getNodeById($nodeId);
        if($type == 1) // Deletes a node that contains itself 
            $sql = "DELETE FROM __TABLE__ WHERE ".$this->_left.">= {$currentNode[$this->_left]} AND ".$this->_right."<= {$currentNode[$this->_right]}";
            $childCount = ($this->getChildCount($nodeId)+1)*2; // The value to update 
            $sql2 = "UPDATE  __TABLE__  SET ".$this->_right."=".$this->_right."-".$childCount." WHERE ".$this->_right.">".$currentNode[$this->_right];
            $sql3 = "UPDATE  __TABLE__  SET ".$this->_left."=".$this->_left."-".$childCount." WHERE ".$this->_left.">".$currentNode[$this->_left];
        else // Deletes all nodes under the current node 
            $sql ="DELETE FROM __TABLE__ WHERE ".$this->_left."> {$currentNode[$this->_left]} AND ".$this->_right."< {$currentNode[$this->_right]}";
            $childCount = $this->getChildCount($nodeId)*2; // The value to update 
            $sql2 = "UPDATE __TABLE__ SET ".$this->_right."=".$this->_right ."-".$childCount." WHERE ".$this->_right.">=".$currentNode[$this->_right];
            $sql3 = "UPDATE __TABLE__ SET ".$this->_left."=".$this->_left."-".$childCount." WHERE ".$this->_left.">".$currentNode[$this->_left];
        return true;
      *  Modify nodes, names, etc 
      * @access public 
      * @param $newData array() Must contain   To modify the $this->_id,k-v Must be aligned, such as arr['node_name'] = ' goods '
      * @return bool
    public  function modiNode($newData)
                $id = $newData[$this->_id];                
                return $this->save($newData,$this->_id.'='.$id);                               

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