Details of the differences between session_unset and session_destroy

  • 2020-06-07 04:03:47
  • OfStack

Free all $_SESSION variables that are currently created in memory, but do not delete the session file and do not release the corresponding sessionid
Delete the session file for the current user and release sessionid, leaving the $_SESSION variable in memory
Therefore, to release all the session resources of the user, the following code needs to be executed sequentially:
The program code

$_SESSION['user'] = 'wangh';

If you just call session_destroy();
Then echo $_SESSION['user'] is still valuable
That is, the contents of the $_SESSION variable in memory remain
session. save_handler = files; The control used to save/retrieve data
session. save_path = C: \ win \ temp; Parameters passed to the controller when save_handler is set to file,
; This is the path where the data file will be saved. Folders should be built in advance
session. use_cookies = 1; Use cookies 1 yes, 0 no = PHPSESSID
; The name session used in cookie
session. auto_start = 0; Initializes session on request startup
session. cookie_lifetime = 0; For the saving time of cookie in seconds,
; Or 0 until the browser is restarted
session. cookie_path = /; Valid path for cookie
session. cookie_domain =; Valid domain of cookie
session. serialize_handler = php; A controller used to connect data
; php is the standard controller for PHP.
session. gc_probability = 1; Percentage of 'garbage collection (defragmenting) 'process
; The possibility of starting each time session is initialized.
session. gc_maxlifetime = 1440; After the number of seconds indicated here, the saved data will be considered
; 'Shards (garbage)' and are cleared by the gc process.
session. referer_check =; Check the HTTP reference to invalidate the additional ids contained in URLs
session. entropy_length = 0; How many bytes to read from the file
session. entropy_file =; Specify that session id is set up here
; session.entropy_length = 16
; session.entropy_file = /dev/urandom
session. cache_limiter = nocache; Set as {nocache,private,public} to determine HTTP's
; The cache problem
session. cache_expire = 180; The document is out of date after n minutes
session. use_trans_sid = 1; Use transitional sid support, if permitted at compile time
; --enable-trans-sid
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry"

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