In depth analysis based on Discuz security. inc. php code

  • 2020-06-03 06:03:22
  • OfStack

The code is as follows:


[Discuz!] (C)2001-2009 Comsenz Inc.
This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms

$Id: 16688 2008-11-14 06:41:07Z cnteacher $

// If it's not set  IN_DISCUZ  , the access error occurs 
if(!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) {
exit('Access Denied');

//  Using the displacement   $attackevasive  To set the   Forum Defense level   If it is  1  Or is it  4  Words,  1=cookie  Refresh the limit   .  4=2 Time request 
//  Read last time to current storage cookies Array and place the present time cookies
//  will $_DCOOKIE['lastrequest']  Constantly encryption   store last Access time up  lastrequest_cookies
if($attackevasive & 1 || $attackevasive & 4) {
$_DCOOKIE['lastrequest'] = authcode($_DCOOKIE['lastrequest'], 'DECODE');
dsetcookie('lastrequest', authcode($timestamp, 'ENCODE'), $timestamp + 816400, 1, true);

// If it is confirmed to be attacked, display the prompt  1
if($attackevasive & 1) {
if($timestamp - $_DCOOKIE['lastrequest'] < 1) {
securitymessage('attachsave_1_subject', 'attachsave_1_message');

// Such as check to  HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR  Have the following   parameter   And you will be prompted to   Using the agent 
if(($attackevasive & 2) && ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ||
securitymessage('attachsave_2_subject', 'attachsave_2_message', FALSE);

// If it is accessed more than once in a limited time, it is determined to be 2 Time request 
if($attackevasive & 4) {
if(empty($_DCOOKIE['lastrequest']) || $timestamp - $_DCOOKIE['lastrequest'] > 300) {
securitymessage('attachsave_4_subject', 'attachsave_4_message');

// If a question needs to be answered, it is 8
if($attackevasive & 8) {
list($questionkey, $questionanswer, $questiontime) = explode('|', authcode($_DCOOKIE['secqcode'], 'DECODE'));
include_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/cache_secqaa.php';
if(!$questionanswer || !$questiontime || $_DCACHE['secqaa'][$questionkey]['answer'] != $questionanswer) {

if(empty($_POST['secqsubmit']) || (!empty($_POST['secqsubmit']) && $_DCACHE['secqaa'][$questionkey]['answer'] != md5($_POST['answer']))) {
$questionkey = array_rand($_DCACHE['secqaa']);
dsetcookie('secqcode', authcode($questionkey.'||'.$timestamp, 'ENCODE'), $timestamp + 816400, 1, true);
securitymessage($_DCACHE['secqaa'][$questionkey]['question'], '<input type="text" name="answer" size="8" maxlength="150" /><input class="button" type="submit" name="secqsubmit" value=" Submit " />', FALSE, TRUE);
} else {
dsetcookie('secqcode', authcode($questionkey.'|'.$_DCACHE['secqaa'][$questionkey]['answer'].'|'.$timestamp, 'ENCODE'), $timestamp + 816400, 1, true);


 *  Output attacked prompt language, if yes ajax To show 1 Mistakes,   If the request is made,   Show the error 
 * @param $subject
 * @param $message
 * @param $reload
 * @param $form
 * @return unknown_type
function securitymessage($subject, $message, $reload = TRUE, $form = FALSE) {

$scuritylang = array(
'attachsave_1_subject' => '&#x9891;&#x7e41;&#x5237;&#x65b0;&#x9650;&#x5236;',
'attachsave_1_message' => '&#x60a8;&#x8bbf;&#x95ee;&#x672c;&#x7ad9;&#x901f;&#x5ea6;&#x8fc7;&#x5feb;&#x6216;&#x8005;&#x5237;&#x65b0;&#x95f4;&#x9694;&#x65f6;&#x95f4;&#x5c0f;&#x4e8e;&#x4e24;&#x79d2;&#xff01;&#x8bf7;&#x7b49;&#x5f85;&#x9875;&#x9762;&#x81ea;&#x52a8;&#x8df3;&#x8f6c;&#x20;&#x2e;&#x2e;&#x2e;',
'attachsave_2_subject' => '&#x4ee3;&#x7406;&#x670d;&#x52a1;&#x5668;&#x8bbf;&#x95ee;&#x9650;&#x5236;',
'attachsave_2_message' => '&#x672c;&#x7ad9;&#x73b0;&#x5728;&#x9650;&#x5236;&#x4f7f;&#x7528;&#x4ee3;&#x7406;&#x670d;&#x52a1;&#x5668;&#x8bbf;&#x95ee;&#xff0c;&#x8bf7;&#x53bb;&#x9664;&#x60a8;&#x7684;&#x4ee3;&#x7406;&#x8bbe;&#x7f6e;&#xff0c;&#x76f4;&#x63a5;&#x8bbf;&#x95ee;&#x672c;&#x7ad9;&#x3002;',
'attachsave_4_subject' => '&#x9875;&#x9762;&#x91cd;&#x8f7d;&#x5f00;&#x542f;',
'attachsave_4_message' => '&#x6b22;&#x8fce;&#x5149;&#x4e34;&#x672c;&#x7ad9;&#xff0c;&#x9875;&#x9762;&#x6b63;&#x5728;&#x91cd;&#x65b0;&#x8f7d;&#x5165;&#xff0c;&#x8bf7;&#x7a0d;&#x5019;&#x20;&#x2e;&#x2e;&#x2e;'

$subject = $scuritylang[$subject] ? $scuritylang[$subject] : $subject;
$message = $scuritylang[$message] ? $scuritylang[$message] : $message;
if($_GET['inajax']) {
echo '<div id="attackevasive_1" class="popupmenu_option"><b style="font-size: 16px">'.$subject.'</b><br /><br />'.$message.'</div>';
} else {
echo '<html>';
echo '<head>';
echo '<title>'.$subject.'</title>';
echo '</head>';
echo '<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">';
if($reload) {
echo '<script language="JavaScript">';
echo 'function reload() {';
echo ' document.location.reload();';
echo '}';
echo 'setTimeout("reload()", 1001);';
echo '</script>';
if($form) {
echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST">';
echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="700" align="center" height="85%">';
echo '  <tr align="center" valign="middle">';
echo '    <td>';
echo '    <table cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="80%" align="center" style="font-family: Verdana, Tahoma; color: #666666; font-size: 11px">';
echo '    <tr>';
echo '      <td valign="middle" align="center" bgcolor="#EBEBEB">';
echo '     <br /><br /> <b style="font-size: 16px">'.$subject.'</b> <br /><br />';
echo $message;
echo '        <br /><br />';
echo '      </td>';
echo '    </tr>';
echo '    </table>';
echo '    </td>';
echo '  </tr>';
echo '</table>';
if($form) {
echo '</form>';
echo '</body>';
echo '</html>';

function ajaxshowheader() {
global $charset, $inajax;
@header("Expires: -1");
@header("Cache-Control: no-store, private, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0", FALSE);
@header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Content-type: application/xml");
echo "<?xml version=/"1.0/" encoding=/"$charset/"?>/n<root><![CDATA[";

function ajaxshowfooter() {
echo ']]></root>';


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