Application of command mode in php design mode
- 2020-06-01 09:19:20
- OfStack
Command mode: encapsulate one request into one object, so you can parameterize the customer with different requests. Queue or log requests to requests, and support revocable operations.
1. Command role: declares an abstract interface to all concrete command classes. This is an abstract role.
2. Specific command role: define a weak coupling between the receiver and the behavior; Implement the execute method, which is responsible for calling the appropriate operations accepted. The execute() method is usually called the execute method
3. Customer role: create a specific command object and determine its recipient.
4. Requester role: responsible for calling the command object to execute the request. The related methods are called action methods.
5. Recipient role: responsible for the specific implementation and execution of a request.
1. Abstract the action to be executed to parameterize the object.
2. Specify, arrange, and execute requests at different times.
3. Support cancel operations
4. Support modify log
// The command interface
interface Command{
public function execute();
// Specific commands
class ConcreteCommand implements Command{
private $_receiver;
public function __construct($receiver){
$this->_receiver = $receiver;
public function execute(){
// The recipient
class Receiver{
private $_name;
public function __construct($name){
$this->_name = $name;
// Action method
public function action(){
echo $this->_name.'do action .<br/>';
// The requester
class Invoker{
private $_command;
public function __construct($command){
$this->_command = $command;
public function action(){
// The client
class Client{
public static function main(){
$receiver = new Receiver('jaky');
$command = new ConcreteeCommand($receiver);
$invoker = new Invoker($command);