Go into the details of the installation and configuration of phpMyAdmin

  • 2020-06-01 08:55:07
  • OfStack

phpmyadmin is a kind of mysql management tool. After installing this tool, it can directly manage mysql data in the form of web without executing system commands. It is very suitable for database managers who are not familiar with database operation commands.

1. Go to the Internet to download phpmyadmin, and then unzip it to the root directory of the accessible local server, such as www directory of apache.

2. Configure the config file
Open the config.default.php file under libraries, find the following items in turn, and follow the instructions to configure it:

A. Visit the web site

$cfg [' PmaAbsoluteUri] = ' '; Here fill in the visit website of phpmyadmin, and my directory is "", which is determined according to my actual situation after decompression

B.mysql host information

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost'; // MySQL hostname or IP address
Fill in the ip address of the server where localhost or mysql are located. If mysql and phpmyadmin are on the same server, then localhost is the default
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = ''; // MySQL port - leave blank for default port
mysql port, if the default is 3306, is left blank

C.mysql username and password

$cfg [' Servers] [$i] [' user] = 'root'; // MySQL user accesses the mysql username used by phpmyadmin
fg [' Servers] [$i] [' password] = ' '; // MySQL password (only needed) corresponds to the password of the mysql user name above

D. Authentication method

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';

There are 4 modes to choose from, cookie, http, HTTP, config
config means you can enter the website of phpmyadmin directly without entering the user name and password. It is not safe and is not recommended.
When this item is set to cookie, http or HTTP, login to phpmyadmin requires the data user name and password for verification. The details are as follows:
PHP installation mode is Apache, http and cookie can be used;
The PHP installation mode is CGI and cookie can be used

E. Phrase password (blowfish_secret)

$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '';

If the authentication method is set to cookie, you need to set the phrase password.

Lack of mysqli extension solution:

1. Check php.ini; extension= php_mysqli.dll is not enabled

2. Check whether the php.ini extension_dir address points to the ext directory of the php directory

3. Check if lib_mysql.dll has been copied to the windows directory

4. Check whether the php_mysqli.dll file exists in the php installation directory ext

5. View the php detail page < ?php phpinfo(); ? > , to see if mysql and mysqli are started

Combine oneself circumstance, undertake modification is ok. For example, my machine will report an error for the third reason. Put lib_mySQL.dll under MySQL\bin into windows, ok!

Note: my operating system is win7.

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