php simulates a code example of the get_headers function

  • 2020-06-01 08:44:01
  • OfStack

02 if(!function_exists('get_headers')){  
03     function get_headers($url,$format=0){  
04         $url=parse_url($url);  
05         $end="\r\n\r\n";  
06         $fp=fsockopen($url['host'],(empty($url['port'])?80:$url['port']),$errno,$errstr,30);  
07         if($fp){  
08             $out="GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n";  
09             $out.="Host: ".$url['host']."\r\n";  
10             $out.="Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";  
11             $var='';  
12             fwrite($fp,$out);  
13             while(!feof($fp)){  
14                 $var.=fgets($fp,1280);  
15                 if(strpos($var,$end))  
16                 break;  
17             }  
18             fclose($fp);  
19             $var=preg_replace("/\r\n\r\n.*\$/",'',$var);  
20             $var=explode("\r\n",$var);  
21             if($format){  
22                 foreach($var as $i){  
23                     if(preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z -]+): +(.*)$/',$i,$parts))  
24                     $v[$parts[1]]=$parts[2];  
25                 }  
26                 return $v;  
27             }else{  
28                 return $var;  
29             }  
30         }  
31     }  
32 }  
33 echo '<pre>';  
34 print_r(get_headers('')); 

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