PHP operations on the MongoDB[NoSQL] database

  • 2020-05-30 19:44:51
  • OfStack

1. MongoDB profile

MongoDB (named from "humongous") is an extensible, high-performance, open source, schema-free, document-oriented database that combines the advantages of document databases, key-value pairs, and relational databases. The official site: http: / / www mongodb. org /, MongoDB features:

The & # 8226; Document-oriented storage (the JSON data schema is simple and powerful)
The & # 8226; A dynamic query
The & # 8226; Full index support, extended to internal objects and nested arrays
The & # 8226; Query record analysis
The & # 8226; Quick, in-place updates
The & # 8226; Efficient storage of large objects in base 2 (such as photos and videos)
The & # 8226; Replication and failover support
The & # 8226; Auto-Sharding automatic sharding supports cloud-level scalability
The & # 8226; MapReduce supports complex aggregation
The & # 8226; Business support, training and consulting
2. Install MongoDB

MongoDB installation is very simple, just download package decompression operation command to download address: http: / / www mongodb. org/downloads, for windows platform, this paper MongoDB run the command: > bin/mongod. Note: to create a folder for storing data, MongoDB defaults to /data/db/ (or c:\data\db). You can also change it to a different directory, just specify --dbpath, eg:
> bin/mongod --dbpath=d:\mgdata\db
3. Install the MongoDB PHP extension
According to your own PHP version download PHP extension: http: / / www php. net manual/en/mongo installation. # php mongo. installation. windows, tip:
1. VC6 is suitable for Apache, VC9 is suitable for IIS;
2. Thread safe is suitable for PHP to operate in modules, and Non-thread safe is suitable for CGI to operate in modules.
Modify php.ini, add: extension= php_mongo.dll, restart Web server.
4. PHP example
1. Connect to Mongo server

// The connection localhost:27017  
$conn = new Mongo();  
// Connect to the remote host's default port   
$conn = new Mongo('');  
// Connect to remote host 22011 port   
$conn = new Mongo('');  
//MongoDB Password for user name   
$conn = new Mongo("mongodb://${username}:${password}@localhost");
//MongoDB Password for the useful account name and specify the database blog  
$conn = new Mongo("mongodb://${username}:${password}@localhost/blog");  
// Multiple servers   
$conn = new Mongo("mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018");  

2. Specify database and dataset name (table name)

// Select database blog  
$db = $conn->blog;  
// Set of results (table name: users )  
$collection = $db->users;  
3 , CRUD
// new   
$user = array('name' => 'caleng', 'email' => '');  
// Modify the   
$newdata = array('$set' => array("email" => ""));  
$collection->update(array("name" => "caleng"), $newdata);  
// delete   
$collection->remove(array('name'=>'caleng'), array("justOne" => true));  
// To find the   
$cursor = $collection->find();  
// To find the 1 article   
$user = $collection->findOne(array('name' => 'caleng'), array('email'));  
4 , close the connection 

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