Several solutions for php to generate unique id
- 2020-05-30 19:44:13
- OfStack
Looked up on the Internet, there are a lot of ways
1. md5(time(). mt_rand(1,1000000));
This method has a definite probability of being repeated
2. php built-in function uniqid()
The uniqid() function generates a 1-only ID based on the current time in microseconds.
The w3school reference manual has a sentence :" ID generated by this function is not optimal due to system time. To generate ID that is absolutely 1 only, use the md5() function ".
The following method returns a similar result: 5DDB650F-4389-F4A9-A100-501EF1348872
function uuid() {
if (function_exists ( 'com_create_guid' )) {
return com_create_guid ();
} else {
mt_srand ( ( double ) microtime () * 10000 ); //optional for php 4.2.0 and up. Sow at random, 4.2.0 Not anymore.
$charid = strtoupper ( md5 ( uniqid ( rand (), true ) ) ); // Generate only according to the current time (microsecond meter) 1id.
$hyphen = chr ( 45 ); // "-"
$uuid = '' . //chr(123)// "{"
substr ( $charid, 0, 8 ) . $hyphen . substr ( $charid, 8, 4 ) . $hyphen . substr ( $charid, 12, 4 ) . $hyphen . substr ( $charid, 16, 4 ) . $hyphen . substr ( $charid, 20, 12 );
//.chr(125);// "}"
return $uuid;
com_create_guid() is the generated only 1id method of php, which seems to have disappeared after php5.
3. The official uniqid() reference manual has methods provided by users, and the results are similar: {E2DFFFB3-571E-6CFC-4B5C-9FEDAAF2EFD7}
public function create_guid($namespace = '') {
static $guid = '';
$uid = uniqid("", true);
$data = $namespace;
$data .= $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
$data .= $_SERVER['LOCAL_ADDR'];
$data .= $_SERVER['LOCAL_PORT'];
$data .= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$data .= $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT'];
$hash = strtoupper(hash('ripemd128', $uid . $guid . md5($data)));
$guid = '{' .
substr($hash, 0, 8) .
'-' .
substr($hash, 8, 4) .
'-' .
substr($hash, 12, 4) .
'-' .
substr($hash, 16, 4) .
'-' .
substr($hash, 20, 12) .
return $guid;