On the difference between apache and rewrite of nginx
- 2020-05-27 04:40:31
- OfStack
1. Instructions related to Nginx Rewrite rules
The Nginx Rewrite rules include if, rewrite, set, return, break, etc. rewrite is the most critical instruction. 1 simple Nginx Rewrite rule syntax is as follows:
rewrite ^/b/(.*)\.html /play.php?video=$1 break;
If you add the if statement, here's an example:
if (!-f $request_filename)
{ rewrite ^/img/(.*)$ /site/$host/images/$1 last; }
2. Comparison of Nginx and Apache Rewrite rule instances
The simple Nginx and Apache rewrite rules are not that different and are basically completely compatible.
Apache Rewrite rules:
RewriteRule ^/(mianshi|xianjing)/$ /zl/index.php?name=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^/ceshi/$ /zl/ceshi.php [L]
RewriteRule ^/(mianshi)_([a-zA-Z]+)/$ /zl/index.php?name=$1_$2 [L] RewriteRule ^/pingce([0-9]*)/$ /zl/pingce.php?id=$1 [L]
Nginx Rewrite rules:
rewrite ^/(mianshi|xianjing)/$ /zl/index.php?name=$1 last;
rewrite ^/ceshi/$ /zl/ceshi.php last;
rewrite ^/(mianshi)_([a-zA-Z]+)/$ /zl/index.php?name=$1_$2 last;
rewrite ^/pingce([0-9]*)/$ /zl/pingce.php?id=$1 last;
It is not difficult to see that Apache's Rewrite rule is changed to Nginx's Rewrite rule. If you have changed the rule, you can use the "nginx-t" command to check the nginx.conf configuration file and find a syntax error, then you can try to put the condition in quotation marks. For example, the Nginx Rewrite rule under 1 will report grammatical errors:
rewrite ^ / ([0-9] {5}). html $/ x jsp? id = $1 last; Quotes are correct:
rewrite "^ / ([0-9] {5}). html $"/x jsp? id = $1 last;
The Apache and Nginx Rewrite rules are slightly different when it comes to URL jumps:
Apache Rewrite rules:
RewriteRule ^/html/tagindex/([a-zA-Z]+)/.*$ /$1/ [R=301,L]
Nginx Rewrite rules:
rewrite ^/html/tagindex/([a-zA-Z]+)/.*$ http://$host/$1/ permanent;
In the above example, we noticed that the substitution string of the Nginx Rewrite rule added "http://$host", which is required in Nginx.
In addition, Apache and Nginx's Rewrite rules also differ in terms of variable names, for example:
Apache Rewrite rules:
RewriteRule ^/user/login/$ /user/login.php?login=1
forward=http://%{HTTP_HOST} [L]
Nginx Rewrite rules:
rewrite ^/user/login/$ /user/login.php?login=1
forward=http://$host last;
The corresponding relationship between some instructions and marks of Apache and Nginx Rewrite rules with the same or similar functions:
The RewriteCond directive of Apache corresponds to the if directive of Nginx;
The RewriteRule directive of Apache corresponds to the rewrite directive of Nginx;
The [R] mark of Apache corresponds to the redirect mark of Nginx;
The [P] mark of Apache corresponds to the last mark of Nginx;
The [R,L] mark of Apache corresponds to the redirect mark of Nginx;
The [P,L] tag of Apache corresponds to the last tag of Nginx;
The [PT,L] mark of Apache corresponds to the last mark of Nginx;
Allows you to specify the domain name to access this site, jump to the other domain name 1 law http: / / www aaa. com:
Apache Rewrite rules:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*?)\.domain\.com$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^qita\.domain\.com$ RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/market/%1/index.htm -f
RewriteRule ^/wu/$ /market/%1/index.htm [L]
Nginx's if directive does not support nesting, nor does AND, OR and other multi-condition matching. Compared with RewriteCond's Apache, RewriteCond is more troublesome. However, we can write Nginx configuration on the next page to realize this example:
Nginx Rewrite rules:
if ($host ~* ^(.*?)\.domain\.com$)
set $var_wupin_city $1;
set $var_wupin '1';
if ($host ~* ^qita\.domain\.com$)
set $var_wupin '0';
if (!-f $document_root/market/$var_wupin_city/index.htm)
set $var_wupin '0';
if ($var_wupin ~ '1')
rewrite ^/wu/$ /market/$var_wupin_city/index.htm last;