php full permutation recursive algorithm code

  • 2020-05-26 08:03:15
  • OfStack

Algorithm principle

If P is used to represent the full arrangement of n elements, and Pi is used to represent the full arrangement of i elements not included in n elements, (i)Pi is used to represent the arrangement of Pi elements prefixed with i, then the full arrangement of n elements can be recursively defined as:
If n=1, then P has only one element, i.
(2) if n > 1, P is composed of i and Pi.
By definition, it can be seen that if an Pi arrangement of (k-1) elements has been generated, then an k arrangement of elements can be generated by prefacing each Pi with the element i.
Code implementation

function rank($base, $temp=null)
    $len = strlen($base);
    if($len <= 1)
        echo $temp.$base.'<br/>';
        for($i=0; $i< $len; ++$i)
            rank(substr($base, 0, $i).substr($base, $i+1, $len-$i-1), $temp.$base[$i]);

However, after several test runs, there is a problem: if the same elements exist, the whole arrangement is repeated.
For example, '122' has only three permutations: '122', '212', '221'; The above method is repetitive.
Slightly modified and added a mark to judge the repetition, which solved the problem (the code is as follows) :

function fsRank($base, $temp=null)
    static $ret = array();
    $len = strlen($base);
    if($len <= 1)
        //echo $temp.$base.'<br/>';
        $ret[] = $temp.$base;
        for($i=0; $i< $len; ++$i)
            $had_flag = false;
            for($j=0; $j<$i; ++$j)
                if($base[$i] == $base[$j])
                    $had_flag = true;
            fsRank(substr($base, 0, $i).substr($base, $i+1, $len-$i-1), $temp.$base[$i]);
    return $ret;
print '<pre>';
print '</pre>';

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