What are the differences between php daddslashes of and saddslashes of

  • 2020-05-26 08:00:12
  • OfStack

//GPC filter, automatically escapes special characters in $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE to prevent SQL injection attacks
$_GET = saddslashes($_GET);
$_POST = saddslashes($_POST);

 The following is daddslashes() and  saddslashes() An example of eg: saddslashes function daddslashes($string, $force = 0, $strip = FALSE) { 
// String or array   Whether or not mandatory   Whether to remove  
// If the magic reference is not enabled   or  $force Don't for 0 
if(!MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC || $force) { 
if(is_array($string)) { // If it is 1 An array executes the function in a loop  
foreach($string as $key => $val) { 
$string[$key] = daddslashes($val, $force); 
} else { 
// If the magic reference is turned on or $force for 0 
// The following is 1 a 3 Meta operator if $strip for true execute stripslashes Remove the backslash character and execute again addslashes 
//$strip for true , which is to remove the backslash character and then escape $_GET,$_POST,$_COOKIE and $_REQUEST $_REQUEST The array contains the first 3 The value of an array  
// Why would you put $here string I'm going to get rid of the backslash and then I'm going to escape, because sometimes $string There could be two backslashes, stripslashes Is to filter out the excess backslash  
  $string = addslashes($strip ? stripslashes($string) : $string); 
return $string; 
}eg: saddslashes function saddslashes($string) { if(!MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC){ 
if(is_array($string)) { // If you're escaping an array, you're escaping an array value Perform a recursive escape  
    foreach($string as $key => $val) { 
      $string[$key] = saddslashes($val); 
} else { 
    $string = addslashes($string); // Pair of single quotes ( ' ), double quotation marks ( " ), backslash ( \ ) and  NUL ( NULL  Character) to escape  
return $string; 
return $string; 

The main ones are:
saddslashes can escape every data
function saddslashes($string) { 
if(is_array($string)) { 
foreach($string as $key => $val) { 
$string[$key] = saddslashes($val); 
} else { 
$string = addslashes($string); 
return $string; 

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