The principle of generating static HTML documents using PHP

  • 2020-05-26 07:59:37
  • OfStack

Give the code:
// Introduction of database configuration files  
include( dirname(dirname(__FILE__))."\include\config.php" ); 

*  Generate a single article in the database HTML file . 
* @param Date $Date 
* @param Time $Time 
* @param String $Content 
* @param String $Title 
function GenerateHTML($Date,$Time,$Content,$Title,$Name){ 

// Decompose the date and time variables into arrays  
$GetDateRow = explode("-", $Date); 
$GetTimeRow = explode(":",$Time); 

// Get the name of the file. Such as: 20121028210632.html 
$FileName = $GetDateRow[0].$GetDateRow[1].$GetDateRow[2].$GetTimeRow[0].$GetTimeRow[1].$GetTimeRow[2].".html"; 

// Open and read the template contents  
$FP = fopen("tmp.html","r"); 
$Str = fread($FP,filesize("tmp.html")); 

// Gets the replaced template content  
$Str = str_replace("{Title}",$Title, $Str); 
$Str = str_replace("{Content}", $Content, $Str); 
$Str = str_replace("{Name}", $Name, $Str); 
$Str = str_replace("{Date}", $Date,$Str); 
$Str = str_replace("{Time}", $Time, $Str); 

// Close the file to reduce the pressure on the server.  

// Write to HTML file  
$Handle = fopen($FileName,"w"); 

// quiz 1 Under the  
//echo "ok,done!"; 


// Operation of database  
$querysql = "select * from article"; 
$queryset = mysql_query($querysql); 

// Loop to generate HTML File.  
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($queryset) ){ 

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