Table showing unlimited levels of classification of PHP edition

  • 2020-05-19 04:27:38
  • OfStack

TreeTable also demonstrates a hierarchical architecture by implementing an infinite hierarchy of cells by combining rows and columns.
1. Build an array of ID/PID/NAME, and generate dynamic data through the database at a later stage. Click on the Tree algorithm
* 1 => array('id'=>'1','parentid'=>0,'name'=>'1 Level column 1'), 
* 2 => array('id'=>'2','parentid'=>0,'name'=>'1 Level column 2'), 
* 3 => array('id'=>'3','parentid'=>1,'name'=>'2 Level column 1'), 
* 4 => array('id'=>'4','parentid'=>1,'name'=>'2 Level column 2'), 
* 5 => array('id'=>'5','parentid'=>2,'name'=>'2 Level column 3'), 
* 6 => array('id'=>'6','parentid'=>3,'name'=>'3 Level column 1'), 
* 7 => array('id'=>'7','parentid'=>3,'name'=>'3 Level column 2') 
* ) 

2. Import the TreeTable class library.
import('@.ORG.Util.TableTree'); //Thinkphp The import method  

3. Generate TreeTable HTML code
echo $treeTable->get_treetable(); 

Note: get_treetable() only produces table departments, < TALBE > < /TABLE > Please build it yourself.
The complete code
* File name: TreeTable.class.php 
* Author: run.gao Date: 2012-07-24 23:22 GMT+8 
* Description:  Universal table unlimited classification  
* */ 
*  Table display infinite classification is to show the form of wireless classification table, which can better reflect the ownership relationship of classification  
*  Usage:  
* 1.  Instantiated classification  
* $treeTable = new TreeTable(); 
* 2.  Class initialization, $treearr It must be 1 Two multidimensional arrays and contains  id,parentid,name field  
* $treeTable->init($treearr); 
* 3.  Get infinite classification HTML code  
* echo $treeTable->get_treetable(); 
* */ 
class TreeTable { 
*  What is needed to generate a tree structure 2 Dimensional array  
* @var array 
public $arr = array(); 
*  Form the number of columns  
* @var int 
public $columns = 0; 
*  Table rows  
* @var int 
public $rows = 0; 
*  Initialize the TreeTable data  
* @param array 2 Dimensional array  
* array( 
* 1 => array('id'=>'1','parentid'=>0,'name'=>'1 Level column 1'), 
* 2 => array('id'=>'2','parentid'=>0,'name'=>'1 Level column 2'), 
* 3 => array('id'=>'3','parentid'=>1,'name'=>'2 Level column 1'), 
* 4 => array('id'=>'4','parentid'=>1,'name'=>'2 Level column 2'), 
* 5 => array('id'=>'5','parentid'=>2,'name'=>'2 Level column 3'), 
* 6 => array('id'=>'6','parentid'=>3,'name'=>'3 Level column 1'), 
* 7 => array('id'=>'7','parentid'=>3,'name'=>'3 Level column 2') 
* ) 
public function init($arr=array()){ 
if(!is_array($arr)) return false; 
foreach ($arr as $k=>$v) { 
$this->arr[$v['id']] = $v; 
foreach ($this->arr as $k => $v){ 
$this->arr[$k]['column'] = $this->get_level($v['id']); // Y Shaft position  
$this->arr[$k]['arrchildid'] = $this->get_arrchildid($v['id']); //  All child nodes  
$this->arr[$k]['arrparentid'] = $this->get_arrparentid($v['id']); //  All parent nodes  
$this->arr[$k]['child_bottom_num'] = $this->get_child_count($v['id']); //  All the underlying element nodes  
$this->columns = $this->get_columns(); //  Total number of rows  
$this->rows = $this->get_rows(); //  The total number of columns  
//  In accordance with the arrparentid and id Number sort  
foreach ($this->arr as $k => $v){ 
$this->arr[$k]['row'] = $this->get_row_location($v['id']); // X Shaft position  
$this->arr[$k]['rowspan'] = $v['child_bottom_num']; //  Number of merger  
$this->arr[$k]['colspan'] = $v['child_bottom_num'] == 0 ? $this->columns - $v['column'] + 1 : 0; // Number of columns  
return $this->get_tree_arr(); 
*  Access to an array  
* */ 
public function get_tree_arr(){ 
return is_array($this->arr) ? $this->arr : false; 
*  According to the arrparentid/id Reorder the array in turn  
* */ 
public function sort_arr(){ 
//  The field to sort  
foreach ($this->arr as $k => $v){ 
$order_pid_arr[$k] = $v['arrparentid']; 
$order_iscost[] = $v['sort']; 
$order_id_arr[$k] = $v['id']; 
//  According to the first arrparentid Sort by, sort by ,id The sorting  
$order_pid_arr, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, 
$order_iscost, SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC, 
$order_id_arr, SORT_ASC, SORT_NUMERIC, 
//  For each 1 Hierarchy of nodes  
for ($column = 1; $column <= $this->columns; $column++) { 
$row_level = 0; 
foreach ($this->arr as $key => $node){ 
if ($node['column'] == $column){ 
$this->arr[$key]['column_level'] = $row_level; 
//  Recalculate to ID As the key,  
foreach ($this->arr as $k=>$v) { 
$arr[$v['id']] = $v; 
$this->arr = $arr; 
*  I get the parent series  
* @param int 
* @return array 
public function get_parent($myid){ 
$newarr = array(); 
if(!isset($this->arr[$myid])) return false; 
$pid = $this->arr[$myid]['parentid']; 
$pid = $this->arr[$pid]['parentid']; 
foreach($this->arr as $id => $a){ 
if($a['parentid'] == $pid) $newarr[$id] = $a; 
return $newarr; 
*  I get the subseries  
* @param int 
* @return array 
public function get_child($myid){ 
$a = $newarr = array(); 
foreach($this->arr as $id => $a){ 
if($a['parentid'] == $myid) $newarr[$id] = $a; 
return $newarr ? $newarr : false; 
*  Gets the level of the current node  
* @param $myid  The current node ID No.  
* */ 
public function get_level($myid, $init = true){ 
static $level = 1; 
if($init) $level = 1; 
if ($this->arr[$myid]['parentid']) { 
$this->get_level($this->arr[$myid]['parentid'], false); 
return $level; 
*  Gets the number of all the underlying nodes (nodes without children) of the current node  
* @param $myid  node ID No.  
* @param $init  The first 1 Secondary loading will be the case static variable  
* */ 
public function get_child_count($myid, $init = true){ 
static $count = 0; 
if($init) $count = 0; 
if(!$this->get_child($myid) && $init) return 0; 
if($childarr = $this->get_child($myid)){ 
foreach ($childarr as $v){ 
$this->get_child_count($v['id'], false); 
return $count; 
*  Gets all child nodes of the node ID No.  
* @param $catid  node ID No.  
* @param $init  The first 1 Secondary loading will be the case static Initialize the  
* */ 
public function get_arrchildid($myid, $init = true) { 
static $childid; 
if($init) $childid = ''; 
if(!is_array($this->arr)) return false; 
foreach($this->arr as $id => $a){ 
if($a['parentid'] == $myid) { 
$childid = $childid ? $childid.','.$a['id'] : $a['id']; 
$this->get_arrchildid($a['id'], false); 
return $childid ; 
*  Gets all the parents of the node ID No.  
* @param $id  node ID No.  
* */ 
public function get_arrparentid($id, $arrparentid = '') { 
if(!is_array($this->arr)) return false; 
$parentid = $this->arr[$id]['parentid']; 
if($parentid > 0) $arrparentid = $arrparentid ? $parentid.','.$arrparentid : $parentid; 
if($parentid) $arrparentid = $this->get_arrparentid($parentid, $arrparentid); 
return $arrparentid; 
*  Gets the row location of the node location  
* @param $myid  node ID No.  
public function get_row_location($myid){ 
$nodearr = $this->arr; 
//  For each 1 The position of the row of nodes  
foreach ($nodearr as $key => $node){ 
if($myid == $node['id']) { 
$node_row_count = 0; 
$arrparentid = explode(',', $node['arrparentid']); 
//  All parent nodes are smaller than the bottom node of the current node hierarchy is equal to 0 The elements of the  
foreach ($arrparentid as $pid){ 
foreach ($nodearr as $node_row){ 
if($node_row['column'] == $nodearr[$pid]['column'] && $nodearr[$pid]['column_level'] > $node_row['column_level'] && $node_row['child_bottom_num'] == 0){ 
$node_row_count ++; 
//  All current nodes and node hierarchy ( rowid_level ) is less than the number of current node levels  
foreach ($nodearr as $node_row){ 
if($node['column'] == $node_row['column'] && $node_row['column_level'] < $node['column_level']){ 
$node_row_count += $node_row['child_bottom_num'] ? $node_row['child_bottom_num'] : 1; 
return $node_row_count; 
*  Gets the number of rows in the table  
* */ 
public function get_rows(){ 
$row = 0; 
foreach ($this->arr as $key => $node){ 
if($node['child_bottom_num'] == 0){ 
$rows++; //  Total number of rows  
return $rows; 
*  Gets the number of columns in the table  
* */ 
public function get_columns(){ 
$columns = 0 ; 
foreach ($this->arr as $key => $node){ 
if($node['column'] > $columns){ 
$columns = $node['column']; //  The total number of columns  
return $columns; 
*  Gets a table representation of the categories ( Does not include header ) 
* */ 
public function get_treetable(){ 
$table_string = ''; 
for($row = 1; $row <= $this->rows; $row++){ 
$table_string .= "\r\t<tr>"; 
foreach ($this->arr as $v){ 
if($v['row'] == $row){ 
$rowspan = $v['rowspan'] ? "rowspan='{$v['rowspan']}'" : ''; 
$colspan = $v['colspan'] ? "colspan='{$v['colspan']}'" : ''; 
$table_string .= "\r\t\t<td {$rowspan} {$colspan}> 
$table_string .= "\r\t</tr>"; 
return $table_string; 

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