php cutting page div content implementation code sharing

  • 2020-05-19 04:21:07
  • OfStack

1. The page div can also be cut with php. We hope that readers can provide a more perfect solution.
2. The cutting processing method has been encapsulated into a method, which can be directly referenced.
3. Add the interception of the tag cloud by the way. / / getWebDiv (' id = "taglist" ', '/ / www. ofstack. com/tag/');
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); 
function getWebDiv($div_id,$url=false,$data=false){ 
if($url !== false){ 
$data = file_get_contents( $url ); 
$charset_pos = stripos($data,'charset'); 
if($charset_pos) { 
if(stripos($data,'utf-8',$charset_pos)) { 
$data = iconv('utf-8','utf-8',$data); 
}else if(stripos($data,'gb2312',$charset_pos)) { 
$data = iconv('gb2312','utf-8',$data); 
}else if(stripos($data,'gbk',$charset_pos)) { 
$data = iconv('gbk','utf-8',$data); 
preg_match_all('/<div/i',$data,$pre_matches,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); // Get all the div The prefix  
preg_match_all('/<\/div/i',$data,$suf_matches,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); // Get all the div The suffix  
$hit = strpos($data,$div_id); 
if($hit == -1) return false; // Not hit  
$divs = array(); // Merge all div 
foreach($pre_matches[0] as $index=>$pre_div){ 
$divs[(int)$pre_div[1]] = 'p'; 
$divs[(int)$suf_matches[0][$index][1]] = 's'; 
// right div sorting  
$sort = array_keys($divs); 
$count = count($pre_matches[0]); 
foreach($pre_matches[0] as $index=>$pre_div){ 
//<div $hit <div+1  when div To be hit  
if(($pre_matches[0][$index][1] < $hit) && ($hit < $pre_matches[0][$index+1][1])){ 
$deeper = 0; 
// Ejection hit div In front of the div 
while(array_shift($sort) != $pre_matches[0][$index][1] && ($count--)) continue; 
// The remaining div Match, if down 1 If a is a prefix, it goes down 1 Layer, $deeper add 1 .  
// Otherwise the back 1 Layer, $deeper Reduction of 1 . $deeper for 0 Hit the match, calculate div The length of the  
foreach($sort as $key){ 
if($divs[$key] == 'p') $deeper++; 
else if($deeper == 0) { 
$length = $key-$pre_matches[0][$index][1]; 
}else { 
$hitDivString = substr($data,$pre_matches[0][$index][1],$length).'</div>'; 
return $hitDivString; 
echo getWebDiv('id="taglist"','//'); 

Considering the id symbol problem, id="u" is filled in by the user.
Declaration: this section of php is only for reading content with id div.
Perfect: matches any closed band id label
View Code 
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); 
function getWebTag($tag_id,$url=false,$tag='div',$data=false){ 
if($url !== false){ 
$data = file_get_contents( $url ); 
$charset_pos = stripos($data,'charset'); 
if($charset_pos) { 
if(stripos($data,'utf-8',$charset_pos)) { 
$data = iconv('utf-8','utf-8',$data); 
}else if(stripos($data,'gb2312',$charset_pos)) { 
$data = iconv('gb2312','utf-8',$data); 
}else if(stripos($data,'gbk',$charset_pos)) { 
$data = iconv('gbk','utf-8',$data); 
preg_match_all('/<'.$tag.'/i',$data,$pre_matches,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); // Get all the div The prefix  
preg_match_all('/<\/'.$tag.'/i',$data,$suf_matches,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); // Get all the div The suffix  
$hit = strpos($data,$tag_id); 
if($hit == -1) return false; // Not hit  
$divs = array(); // Merge all div 
foreach($pre_matches[0] as $index=>$pre_div){ 
$divs[(int)$pre_div[1]] = 'p'; 
$divs[(int)$suf_matches[0][$index][1]] = 's'; 
// right div sorting  
$sort = array_keys($divs); 
$count = count($pre_matches[0]); 
foreach($pre_matches[0] as $index=>$pre_div){ 
//<div $hit <div+1  when div To be hit  
if(($pre_matches[0][$index][1] < $hit) && ($hit < $pre_matches[0][$index+1][1])){ 
$deeper = 0; 
// Ejection hit div In front of the div 
while(array_shift($sort) != $pre_matches[0][$index][1] && ($count--)) continue; 
// The remaining div Match, if down 1 If a is a prefix, it goes down 1 Layer, $deeper add 1 .  
// Otherwise the back 1 Layer, $deeper Reduction of 1 . $deeper for 0 Hit the match, calculate div The length of the  
foreach($sort as $key){ 
if($divs[$key] == 'p') $deeper++; 
else if($deeper == 0) { 
$length = $key-$pre_matches[0][$index][1]; 
}else { 
$hitDivString = substr($data,$pre_matches[0][$index][1],$length).'</'.$tag.'>'; 
return $hitDivString; 
echo getWebTag('id="nav"','','ul'); 
echo getWebTag('id="homeBanners"',''); 
echo getWebTag('id="performance"','','section'); 

Author: Zjmainstay

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