Instructions for using static in the php function

  • 2020-05-17 05:00:13
  • OfStack

function sendHeader($num, $rtarr = null) { 
static $sapi = null; 
if ($sapi === null) { 
$sapi = php_sapi_name(); 
return $sapi++; 

Looking at the PW source code, I noticed that the setHeader() function USES the static keyword, which is strange and has never been used before.

static is used in a function. After declaring the variable once, if the function is called again, it will continue at the initial value, such as $sapi, which will accumulate.

echo sendHeader(1)."<br>"; 
echo sendHeader(2)."<br>"; 
echo sendHeader(3)."<br>"; 



It's similar to global, but different in scope. static can only operate on this function.

It's kind of interesting. It needs further study.

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