PHP is a function that converts a comma space carriage return delimited string into an array

  • 2020-05-17 04:58:28
  • OfStack

When we search for 1, we often encounter the ability to enter multiple criteria separated by Spaces. I happened to have this problem in my project today, so I wrote a function that put multiple conditions into an array. Currently support space, comma (Chinese and English), carriage return segmentation, if not meet the requirements, see this function should be modified 1
* transform ' hello, world !' to array('hello', 'world') 
function strsToArray($strs) { 
$result = array(); 
$array = array(); 
$strs = str_replace(' . ', ',', $strs); 
$strs = str_replace("n", ',', $strs); 
$strs = str_replace("rn", ',', $strs); 
$strs = str_replace(' ', ',', $strs); 
$array = explode(',', $strs); 
foreach ($array as $key => $value) { 
if ('' != ($value = trim($value))) { 
$result[] = $value; 
return $result; 
$strs = 'Code is poetry! WTF!'; 

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