yii framework source code analysis for creating controller code

  • 2020-05-09 18:14:47
  • OfStack

The url path 1 using the yii framework looks like hostname/? r = xxxx xxxx/xxxx & sdfs = dsfdsf

We can see that controller in protected directory is sometimes used, and controller in module is sometimes used. For details, please refer to the following analysis:

The following code excerpt from yii framework Yiiroot core code % % / framework web/CWebApplication php
//1.runController Is to perform 1 a controller The method of ,$route is $_GET['r'] 
public function runController($route) 
// I'm going to call createController Go to create 1 a controller Example, so to speak createController Is to choose controller The key to  
throw new CHttpException(404,Yii::t('yii','Unable to resolve the request "{route}".', 
//2. So let's analyze createController, So let's say we're visiting route is site/contact 
public function createController($route,$owner=null) 
// The first time I enter this function, $owner Parameter is null  
// if $route Parameter is not included / , then use the default controller 
// To be able to fully run the following loop, give $route After it 1 a / 
// will / The location is saved at $pos In the  
//$id It's the first half, which is site 
return null; 
//$route Into the second half, which is contact 
//controller Root or subdirectory prefix  
if(!isset($basePath)) // first segment 
// First entry, $owner Is null without this member variable  
// Not first entry or $owner There are values, and it's possible that this member variable is set. See also CWebModule class  
return array( 
// If you can get it through getModule Method to get 1 Two independent modules, then call again createController , and is suitable for site is module Name of the case, reference protected/config/main.php Configuration files, such as yours controller in %webroot%/protected/module/site/controller/ContactController.php 
return $this->createController($route,$module); 
//controller The directory:  
// for CWebApplication , corresponding to config['basePath']( See configuration files )./controller/ , such as yours controller in %webroot%/protected/controller/SiteController.php 
// for CModule Subclass, corresponding to the subclass folder ./contoller/ , such as yours controller in %webroot%/protected/module/site/controller/ContactController.php 
// if $classFile There is, according to what we have above controller Class file path, create class instance  
// If it doesn't exist, it's in a subdirectory controller , continue the loop to find the final controller, Such as your controller in %webroot%/protected/controller/somedir/SiteController 
if(class_exists($className,false) && is_subclass_of($className,'CController')) 
return array( 
new $className($controllerID.$id,$owner===$this?null:$owner), 
return null; 

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