Template class extracted from of discuz products of kangsheng

  • 2020-05-09 18:14:11
  • OfStack

@ Kang Shengwei bo   Template extraction class   I found this template useful   Take some time to be independent.  by  LeiRi kam  
@ Look at the 1 Under the ctt  This template   with  phpcms Is similar to   Do??  ^_^  Hey hey!!  
@  weibo  http://weibo.com/lrjxgl 
@  Good things are Shared   It comes out with a lot of stumbling   Please feel free to ask any questions  
@  The template file defaults to  .htm 
$tpl = new template('skin',"default"); 
$tpl->rewrite=true;// open rewrite  Need server support  
$tpl->rewrite_rule=array(array("/index\.php/"),array("index.html")); //rewrite The rules  
$tpl->assign("str"," I'm a string la la la "); 
$tpl->assign("ec"," I was echo Out of the "); 
$tpl->assign("subhtml","{subtpl ttt} This is used to introduce 1 This is the introduction of a template file ttt.htm"); 
if(!defined("CHARSET")) define("CHARSET","gb2312");// A character encoding  
if(!defined("DIR_TPL")) define("DIR_TPL","tpl");// Default template directory  
if(!defined("DIR_DATA")) define("DIR_DATA","data");// Default data directory  
if(!defined("DEBUG")) define("DEBUG",0);// Default mode  
class template { 
//note var 
public $rewrite=false;// Whether open   Pseudo static  rewrite 
public $rewrite_rule=array(); // Set pseudo-static rules  
public $defaulttpldir;// Default template  
public $tpldir;// The template directory  
public $objdir;// Compile cache directory  
public $tplfile;// Template file  
public $objfile;// Compile the file  
public $tplid=1;// The template number  
public $currdir='default';// Current style directory  
public $vars=array();//note  variables  
public $removeblanks=false;// Remove the blank space  
public $stdout='display';// The output type  
function __construct($tplid, $currdir) { 
$this->template($tplid, $currdir); 
function template($tplid, $currdir) { 
if(file_exists(DIR_TPL.'/'.$currdir)) { 
$this->currdir = $currdir; 
$this->tplid = $tplid; 
} else { 
$this->currdir = 'default'; 
$this->tplid = 1; 
$this->defaulttpldir = DIR_TPL.'/default'; 
$this->tpldir = DIR_TPL.'/'.$this->currdir; 
$this->objdir = DIR_DATA.'/cache/tpl'; 
if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5') == -1) { 
register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, '__destruct')); 
//note publlic 
function assign($k, $v) { 
$this->vars[$k] = $v; 
//note publlic 
function display($file) { 
extract($this->vars, EXTR_SKIP); 
include $this->getObj($file); 
function getObj($file, $tpldir = '') { 
$subdir = ($pos = strpos($file, '/')) === false ? '' : substr($file, 0, $pos); 
$file = $subdir ? substr($file, $pos + 1) : $file; 
$this->tplfile = ($tpldir ? $tpldir : $this->tpldir).'/'.($subdir ? $subdir.'/' : '').$file.'.htm'; 
$this->objfile = $this->objdir.'/'.($tpldir ? '' : $this->tplid.'_').($subdir ? $subdir.'_' : '').$file.'.php'; 
//note  The default directory  
if(@filemtime($this->tplfile) === FALSE) { 
$this->tplfile = $this->defaulttpldir.'/'.($subdir ? $subdir.'/' : '').$file.'.htm'; 
//note  Determine if the comparison is overdue  
if(!file_exists($this->objfile) || DEBUG && @filemtime($this->objfile) < filemtime($this->tplfile)) { 
return $this->objfile; 
function getTpl($file) { 
$subdir = ($pos = strpos($file, '/')) === false ? '' : substr($file, 0, $pos); 
$file = $subdir ? substr($file, $pos + 1) : $file; 
$tplfile = $this->tpldir.'/'.($subdir ? $subdir.'/' : '').$file.'.htm'; 
if(@filemtime($tplfile) === FALSE) { 
$tplfile = $this->defaulttpldir.'/'.($subdir ? $subdir.'/' : '').$file.'.htm'; 
return $tplfile; 
function compile() { 
$var_regexp = "\@?\\\$[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:\[[\w\.\"\'\[\]\$]+\])*"; 
$vtag_regexp = "\<\?=(\@?\\\$[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:\[[\w\.\"\'\[\]\$]+\])*)\?\>"; 
$const_regexp = "\{([\w]+)\}"; 
$template = file_get_contents($this->tplfile); 
for($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { 
if(strpos($template, '{subtpl') !== FALSE) { 
if(DEBUG == 2) { 
$template = str_replace('{subtpl ', '{tpl ', $template); 
} else { 
$template = preg_replace("/[\n\r\t]*\{subtpl\s+([a-z0-9_:\/]+)\}[\n\r\t]*/ies", "file_get_contents(\$this->getTpl('\\1'))", $template); 
$remove = array( 
$this->removeblanks && $template = preg_replace($remove, '', $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\<\!\-\-\{(.+?)\}\-\-\>/s", "{\\1}", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\{($var_regexp)\}/", "<?=\\1?>", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\{($const_regexp)\}/", "<?=\\1?>", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/(?<!\<\?\=|\\\\)$var_regexp/", "<?=\\0?>", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\<\?=(\@?\\\$[a-zA-Z_]\w*)((\[[\\$\[\]\w]+\])+)\?\>/ies", "\$this->arrayindex('\\1', '\\2')", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\{\{eval (.*?)\}\}/ies", "\$this->stripvtag('<? \\1?>')", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\{eval (.*?)\}/ies", "\$this->stripvtag('<? \\1?>')", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/[\n\r\t]*\{echo\s+(.+?)\}[\n\r\t]*/ies", "\$this->stripvtag('<? echo \\1; ?>','')", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\{for (.*?)\}/ies", "\$this->stripvtag('<? for(\\1) {?>')", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\{elseif\s+(.+?)\}/ies", "\$this->stripvtag('<? } elseif(\\1) { ?>')", $template); 
for($i=0; $i<2; $i++) { 
$template = preg_replace("/\{loop\s+$vtag_regexp\s+$vtag_regexp\s+$vtag_regexp\}(.+?)\{\/loop\}/ies", "\$this->loopsection('\\1', '\\2', '\\3', '\\4')", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\{loop\s+$vtag_regexp\s+$vtag_regexp\}(.+?)\{\/loop\}/ies", "\$this->loopsection('\\1', '', '\\2', '\\3')", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\{if\s+(.+?)\}/ies", "\$this->stripvtag('<? if(\\1) { ?>')", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\{tpl\s+(\w+?)\}/is", "<? include \$this->getObj(\"\\1\");?>", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\{tpl\s+(.+?)\}/ise", "\$this->stripvtag('<? include \$this->getObj(\"\\1\"); ?>')", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\{tmptpl\s+(\w+?)\}/is", "<? include \$this->getObj(\"\\1\", \$this->objdir);?>", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\{tmptpl\s+(.+?)\}/ise", "\$this->stripvtag('<? include \$this->getObj(\"\\1\", \$this->objdir); ?>')", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\{else\}/is", "<? } else { ?>", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\{\/if\}/is", "<? } ?>", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/\{\/for\}/is", "<? } ?>", $template); 
$template = preg_replace("/$const_regexp/", "<?=\\1?>", $template);//note {else}  Also in the constant format, note the order of precedence here  
$template = preg_replace("/(\\\$[a-zA-Z_]\w+\[)([a-zA-Z_]\w+)\]/i", "\\1'\\2']", $template); 
$fp = fopen($this->objfile, 'w'); 
fwrite($fp, $template); 
function arrayindex($name, $items) { 
$items = preg_replace("/\[([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\]/is", "['\\1']", $items); 
return "<?=$name$items?>"; 
function stripvtag($s) { 
$vtag_regexp = "\<\?=(\@?\\\$[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:\[[\w\.\"\'\[\]\$]+\])*)\?\>"; 
return preg_replace("/$vtag_regexp/is", "\\1", str_replace("\\\"", '"', $s)); 
function loopsection($arr, $k, $v, $statement) { 
$arr = $this->stripvtag($arr); 
$k = $this->stripvtag($k); 
$v = $this->stripvtag($v); 
$statement = str_replace("\\\"", '"', $statement); 
return $k ? "<? foreach((array)$arr as $k => $v) {?>$statement<?}?>" : "<? foreach((array)$arr as $v) {?>$statement<? } ?>"; 
function __destruct() { 
$content = ob_get_contents(); 
// To deal with  rewrite 
if($this->rewrite) { 
echo $content; 
$tpl = new template('skin',"default"); 
$tpl->rewrite=true;// open rewrite  Need server support  
$tpl->rewrite_rule=array(array("/index\.php/"),array("index.html")); //rewrite The rules  
$tpl->assign("str"," I'm a string la la la "); 
$tpl->assign("ec"," I was echo Out of the "); 
$tpl->assign("subhtml","{subtpl ttt} This is used to introduce 1 This is the introduction of a template file ttt.htm"); 

New tpl default/index html
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> 
<title> Headless document </title> 

1. String assignment  :<br /> 
<br /> 
2. Array assignment  :<br /> 
{loop $a $v}{$v},{/loop} 
 or <br /> 
{loop $a $key $val }{$val},{/loop} 

3.{$subhtml}<br /> 
{subtpl ttt}<br /> 
4. Originally I was {$indexurl }  Now I've been transformed index.php<br /> 
5. I can also  echo  Come out? <br /> 
{echo $ec}<br /> 
6. I can actually add, subtract, multiply and divide  6*7*8 
{echo 6*7*8;} 
7. That's all we usually use   What else don't you understand  <br /> 


New tpl default/ttt html
New tpp directory ok

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