php learning notes array traversal implementation code

  • 2020-05-07 19:21:38
  • OfStack

/*  Traversal of an array  
* 1. use for The statement loop iterates over groups  
* 1. Other languages ( Only this 1 Kind of way ) 
* 2.PHP This is not the preferred method  
* 3. An array must be an indexed array, and the subscripts must be continuous.  
* ( Index subscripts can be discontinuous , Arrays also have associative arrays , These two can't be traversed ) 
* 2. use foreach The statement loop iterates over groups  
* foreacho( An array variable  as  A variable's value ){ 
* // The loop body  
* } 
* 1. The number of loops is determined by the number of elements in the array  
* 2. every 1 Each loop assigns the elements of the array to the following variables  
* foreach( An array variable  as  The subscript variables =>  Values of a variable ){ 
* } 
* 3.while() list() each()  The combination loop traverses the groups  
* each() Function:  
* 1. Need to be 1 Two arrays as parameters  
* 2. And so does the return 1 An array  
* 3. The returned array is 0,1,key,value4 A subscript ( fixed ) 
* 0 and key The subscript is the key of the element of the current parameter array  
* 1 and value The index is the value of the element in the current parameter array  
* 4. The default current element is the first 1 An element  
* 5. Each time 1 This will move the current element backwards  
* 6. Returns if the last element executes the function false 
* list() Function:  
* 1. list()=array(); You need to 1 Two arrays are assigned to this function  
* 2. The number of elements in the array list() The function has the same number of arguments  
* 3. Each element in the array is assigned a value list() Each parameter in the function ,list() Turn each parameter into a variable  
* 4.list() Only indexed arrays can be accepted  
* 5. Assign parameters in index order  
//for Statement iterates over groups  
// use foreach 
foreach($user as $val)//$val Is a custom variable  
echo $val."<br>";// The output is independent of the index  
foreach($user as $key=>$val)//$val $key  All are custom variables  
echo $key."=====>".$val."<br>"; 
//foreach Traversing the multidimensional array  
array(1, "zansan", 10, "nan"), 
array(2, "lisi", 20, "nv"), //$user[1] 
array(3, "wangwu", 30, "nan") 
array(1, 100, 90, 80), 
array(2, 99, 88, 11), 
array(3, 10, 50, 88) 
array(1, '110', ''), 
array(2, '120', ''), 
array(3, '119', '') 
foreach($info as $tableName=>$table) 
echo '<table align="center" width="500" border="1">'; 
echo '<caption><h1>'.$tableName.'</h1></caption>'; 
foreach($table as $row) 
echo '<tr>'; 
foreach($row as $col) 
echo '<td>'.$col.'</td>'; 
echo '</tr>'; 
echo '</table>'; 

//each() The use of  
$a=each($user);//Array ( [1] => 1 [value] => 1 [0] => id [key] => id )  The default is the first 1 The value of  
print_r($b);//Array ( [1] => zhangsan [value] => zhangsan [0] => name [key] => name )  Each time 1 Times, traversing backwards 1 a  
print_r($c);//Array ( [1] => 10 [value] => 10 [0] => age [key] => age ) 
print_r($d);//Array ( [1] => nan [value] => nan [0] => sex [key] => sex ) 
var_dump($e);//bool(false)  The value returned when there is no element  
//each() Cooperate with while traverse  
//echo $arr[0]."====>".$arr[1]."<br>";// through 0,1  To display the   key ( The subscript )  and   value  
echo $arr["key"]."===>".$arr["value"]."<br>";// through key,value  To display the   key   value  

//list() Use of functions  
echo $name."<br>"; 
echo $age."<br>"; 
echo $sex."<br>"; 
// On the other 1 Method of use  
echo $sex."<br>";// Just convert gender to variables  
//ip judge  
list(,,,$d)=explode(".",$ip);//explode Said with  .  To separate and return 1 An array  
echo $d;// Take out the 128 
//list() Only examples of indexed arrays can be received  
list($key,$value)=each($user);//Array( [1]=>1 [0]=>id)  In the order of index index list , so first  0 key   And then the  1 value  
echo $key."--->".$value; 
//while list() each()  Use a combination of  
echo $key."--->".$value."<br>"; 

// Multiple loops only show 1 Second solution  
// USES the internal pointer control function of the array  
//next( An array of ); The array pointer moves down 1 a  
//prev( An array of ); The array pointer is moved up 1 a  
//reset( An array of ); The array pointer moves to first 1 a ( reset ) 
//end( An array of ); The array pointer moves to the end 1 a  
//current( An array of ); Gets the value of the current element , The element to which the index group pointer points at the current element.  
//key( An array of ); Gets the key value of the current element ( The subscript ) 
echo $key."--->".$value."<br>"; 
// Here move the array pointer to first 1 The output can be done in the following loops  
while(list($key,$value)=each($user))// because each() In the end 1 A return false So the loop just jumps out  
echo $key."--->".$value."<br>"; 
while(list($key,$value)=each($user))// because each() In the end 1 A return false So the loop just jumps out  
echo $key."--->".$value."<br>"; 
echo current($user)."=====>".key($user); 


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