Suggestions on Oracle to Improve sql Execution Efficiency

  • 2021-10-11 19:56:36
  • OfStack

-->FROM Clause contains multiple tables , Select the table with the least number of records as the basic table  

--> Analyse WHERE Clause is bottom-up   Filter conditions should be in order  

-->ORACLE Will '*' Convert to column name  

-->DELETE Will be in rollback segment Store recoverable information in, you can try TRUNCATE 

-->COMMIT Will release :1.rollback segment 
2. Locks acquired by program statements  
3.redo log buffer 

--> Put Alias Prefixed with each Column You can reduce the parsing time on  

-->ORACLE Analyse sql Statement will convert lowercase letters to uppercase letters before executing  

--> Use on index columns NOT Will stop using the index and perform a full table scan instead  

--> Operating on an indexed column stops using the index and performs a full table scan instead  

--> Use '>=', Instead of '>' 

-->where Clause '!=' , '||' , '+' Symbols such as these will destroy the index  

-->IN The efficiency of is very low ,IN Clause executes the 1 Internal sorting and merging  

-->EXIST Query is faster  

--> For two index columns ,UNION Ratio OR More efficient  

-->IS NULL Will destroy the index  

-->DISTINCT,UNION,MINUS,INTERSECT,ORDER BY With, etc SORT Function , Will consume resources  

--> When you have more than one index column, try to use the 1 Index columns  

--> Use as much as possible  UNION ALL Substitute UNION 

--> Don't use TO_NUMBER() Change the type of the indexed column.  

--> For indexed columns of character type, try to write: col = '123'  Instead of  col = 123, The latter will be parsed as TO_NUMBER(EMP_TYPE)=123 

--> Use the appropriate keywords where appropriate: HAVING The result set is filtered after all records are retrieved   Be able to use WHERE Don't use it when solving it HAVING 

--> Indexes also need to be maintained ,INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE Will be made more times due to the index I/O 

--> It is necessary to reconstruct the index: ALTER INDEX <INDEXNAME> REBUILD <TABLESPACENAME> [ONLINE] 

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