Comparison of the corresponding function Instr in SQL and Oracle

  • 2021-09-16 08:28:19
  • OfStack

sql: charindex ('string ', field) > 0 charindex('administrator',MUserID) > 0

oracle: instr (Field, 'String', 1, 1) > 0 instr(MUserID,'administrator',1,1) > 0

In the project used Oracle in Instr this function, by the way carefully again to learn 1 this knowledge.

In Oracle, you can use the Instr function to judge whether a string contains specified characters.

Its syntax is:
Instr(string, substring, position, occurrence)
Among them

string: Represents the source string;

substring: Represents the substring you want to find in the source string;

position: Represents the starting position of the lookup. This parameter is optional and defaults to 1;

occurrence: Represents the number of occurrences of substring that you want to find from the source character. This parameter is also optional and defaults to 1;
If the value of position is negative, it means looking from right to left.
The return value is: the position of the found string.

For the Instr function, we often use this to find the position of a specified substring from a string.

For example:

The display result of SELECT Instr ('Hello Word', 'o',-1, 1) "String" FROM Dual is


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